I really need help with this little thing... I just can't seem to get it to work. Working with Word 2000 and Access 2000.
This is the code I try and get an error... it's in a Word module...
Dim acApp As Object
Set acApp = GetObject(, "Access.Application"
With acApp
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "Add SW Product", True
strProdNum = acApp.Screen.ActiveControl.Value
End With
Access is open and so is the form with the record needing to be accessed. There is a button on the form to load word and eventually run this code so it will start a mailmerge.
I'm just trying to capture one little field for my sql in the merge.
Why won't this work???
Any clues??
This is the code I try and get an error... it's in a Word module...
Dim acApp As Object
Set acApp = GetObject(, "Access.Application"
With acApp
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "Add SW Product", True
strProdNum = acApp.Screen.ActiveControl.Value
End With
Access is open and so is the form with the record needing to be accessed. There is a button on the form to load word and eventually run this code so it will start a mailmerge.
I'm just trying to capture one little field for my sql in the merge.
Why won't this work???
Any clues??