Is there a way to access a DB2 database on an AS/400 with ASP? I'd like to be able to have my users create queries on the web browser then execute those on a DB2 database on an AS/400 box.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
sub ExecuteSQL(byval cmd)
if rs.State=1 then rs.Close
rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.LockType = adLockPessimistic
rs.Source = cmd
rs.ActiveConnection = Connection 'The record set needs to know what connection to use.
end sub
SQL="select * from MyDatabaseName"
Thanks for your reply. I must admint that I'm a beginner to ASP and I was wondering if there was some sample code I could use. Where would I put this code on the asp page?
The OS/400 programmer created a test DB called SAMPLEDB2 on the DEVLIB library and added some dummy data to play with. I imagine I can add that info in the DBQ= section, right?
I appreciate your help on this problem.
I'm running IIS 4 on an NT 4 server. All SPs loaded.
I can use them, but I need to access the IBM DB2 database instead. My company's main DB system runs on our AS/400 and we use DB2 instead of MS-SQL.
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