I've run across an interesting bug in Access and/or SQL Server.
My set up:
Access 2007
SQL Server 2008
Here is a way to see what I'm talking about.
In Access create a pass through query.
Use any legit DSN.
For the source use Select 1
don't save yet though.
open profiler and set it to look at what your doing. I used Login name.
run the pass through query
Profiler shows it executed once.
save the query and then execute it by double clicking it.
Profiler shows it just ran twice.
Why does it run twice?
How do I stop it from doing this?
I have a pass through query that calls a stored proc that inserts records into multiple tables based on parameters. Because of the above behavior I'm getting multiple records inserted instead of the desired single record.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
My set up:
Access 2007
SQL Server 2008
Here is a way to see what I'm talking about.
In Access create a pass through query.
Use any legit DSN.
For the source use Select 1
don't save yet though.
open profiler and set it to look at what your doing. I used Login name.
run the pass through query
Profiler shows it executed once.
save the query and then execute it by double clicking it.
Profiler shows it just ran twice.
Why does it run twice?
How do I stop it from doing this?
I have a pass through query that calls a stored proc that inserts records into multiple tables based on parameters. Because of the above behavior I'm getting multiple records inserted instead of the desired single record.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.