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Able to Ping, but not TCP!!

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Technical User
Dec 5, 2000
I'm setting up internet connection sharing (ICS) on two networked computers at a friends house (I just go done with Cisco sememsters 1,2,3,4).

2 Computers;

1 Computer XP running:
0 WinXP:Home edition
0 Netgear 100BaseTX NIC
0 Everything runs fine

1 Computer 98 running:
0 Win98 (NOT SE)
0 Netgear 100BaseTX NIC

After they are networked, and have internel ip addresses ( and <not that it matters>), they are able to share files fine, and show up in network neighborhood fine.

I go to the Xp computer and ping google.com. I try to ping google.com from the 98 computer, but it gives me <<Unknown host google.com>>

So, I go to the XP machine, look at the IP that google.com transelated into, and go the 98 machine. I AM ABLE TO PING THE IP ADDRESS!!

I am able to repeat the above proccess for any website, being able to ping the ip from the 98 comp, but thats all. internet Explorer, VNC, Opera, Netscape, NOTHING can access the internet, even if I type in webserver)

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the NIC to no avail. I've also tried removing and reinstalling TCP/IP stack for the NIC, but still same problem.

XP home edition dosn't seem to have the SERVICES (or I can't find them) that XP PRO does <looking for the DNS service to make sure its running>

I should also mention that games will not network from the 98 one. In one game, U push the button <Create game>, and a window in the game comes up that says <initilizing network>, for 2 seconds, then <Releasing network> and does not create a network game. On the XP machine, setting up a game works fine.

I've tried restoring system windows files with the PFC, but still have the same problem.

Before reinstalling windows, I would like to see if anyone here has ANY hints/tips. PLEASE respond if you do.

PS They use quickbooks 99, and lost the CD for it. Since quickbooks99 DOES NOT work without entrys in the registry, I am unable to reinstall windows without messing them up. (unless reinstalling windows does not clean the registry)
Have you checked the advance features for the network interface card? Route once; switch many
Hi Suthern,
I am guessing the you are using a dial-up for the ICS function? If so what I would try is go to the XP machine while you are dialed up, run ipconfig from a command prompt and get all the DNS info. Then give your machine's static internal IP addresses, and use the DNS info that you gleaned from the XP machine. Point your 98 machine at the static ip that you gave the XP box as your gateway. This should also clear up the network game issue as unless ICS is active you would get an IP address sent to your remote machines! I hope this helps!
>>CCIEWANNABE>> Yes, I've checked the advanced features. They all check out ok. I changed the media type to 100BaseTX Full_duplec (Only 2 computers hooked to eachother. No hub)

>>mschmid>>Both computers have static internal IP addresses. The gateway setting on the 98 one is pointing to the internal IP of the XP machine.

Qote from first post: &quot;After they are networked, and have internal ip addresses ( and;

Did You mean something else mschmid?
The TCPIP networking looks fine, the important things to check / add are:

1 - Default Gateway. Ensure that the slave machine (98) has a default gateway of the master machine (XP). This is always good practice, even if not necessary. Because you CAN ping an IP address, it sounds like this is either already set or unnecessary in your situation, so it is unlikely to be your problem.

2 - DNS. A machine uses DNS to translate a name to an IP address (for instance to If your machine does not point to a valid DNS Server, then it will not translate it to an IP address and will not ping, etc. You do this in 98 on a seperate tab to the other network settings I think. If you don't know the DNS server to use, check using &quot;ipconfig /all&quot; at a command prompt on the XP machine to see what IT is using.

Hope this helps,

Thanks! I'm not at the place with the computers right now, but I think I have the defult dns server on the 98 maching pointing to the XP. I'll have to change that to the ISP's DNS.

I'll try that. Thanks again!

I've just reinstalled windows on the 98 machine, and have the same problem. NOw I'm considering uninstalling windows, and reinstalling....

have you got firewall running on the XP box blocking dns (Port 53) that would stop the DNS lookup. If this is true it wouldnt matter if you reintalled the machine a gazillion times it still won't work :)}
I am running a small office network. I have just set up ICS. I can access the internet from the gateway computer. But when I try to access it from any client pcs, it doesn't work. I know that the connection settings must be right because PING and TRACERT works for both the IP addresses and domain names. Therefore DNS is fine. Does anybody know how I can resolve this? I am using Professional 2000.

I noticed that you are using statics for your connection sharing. The only static ip should be the gateway, the others should be set up to obtain there info by DHCP. The Gateway machine acts as a DHCP server when the ICS is enabled. Remeber you can only have five connections through the ICS. I have my home office hooked up this way and it works great. I have file sharing and printer sharing and internet access to all 4 machines. So i would try setting all your clients to dynamic IPs and see if that fixes your problem.

Remember to make all setting dynamic. DNS, IP, etc.


Note that if you are using static IP with ICS, you need to enable DNS on the clients and input the ISP's DNS server addresses.

See these links for troubleshooting info:


You can do ICS with either DHCP or static IP's. Clients must be configured differently, however.


See the links above. They may be of some assistance.

Good luck all.
The Old Man
Hi Suthern and all

I'm wondering if you ever discovered a cause/solution to this problem short of reinstalling the Win98, 2nd Edition operating system.

I've encountered the exact same problem you describe and am at the end of my wits/resources/patience and still no resolution!!

My ICS setup was working perfectly until I made a simple change to my client machine. I added &quot;File and Print Sharing&quot; to the Network Properties in order to share files with a new computer on my network. During the reboot process my machine crashed with a Fatal Exception error (can't recall which). I rebooted again just fine and was able to share files with the local machine. However, my browser wouldn't work and as it turns out, my DNS functionality was gone!

As you describe, I can ping IP addresses on my home network and out on the internet, including my ISP's DNS server. However, I cannot ping web sites by URL name. The winipcfg results for the NIC in the affected client computer look normal. The only difference I can see between the client and the connection sharing computer is that the &quot;IP Routing Enabled&quot; tick box of the sharing computer is checked and it is not in the client machine (I'm not sure how to change this setting in order to test whether this is the problem).

With no DNS functionality, my browsers (IE5 and IE6), Outlook client and other web based software such as Gnucleus are all unable to funtion.

I have installed a new network card, installed new NIC drivers, reinstalled TCP/IP (including replacing the files &quot;wsock.vxd&quot;, &quot;wsock2.vxd&quot; and &quot;wsock32.dll&quot; from Win98 system disks), tried static DNS settings, ran System File Checker and Registry Checker. Apart from editing the registry and reinstalling the operating system, I've tried every suggestion I could find from Microsoft Support docs and on the Internet.

By the way, I also tried connecting the offending machine directly to the cable modem and have the same results; eliminating ICS networking as the cause.

Any help would be most appreciated.

I found this thread today and I hesitate to add to such a long one ending on such a high note but if others come this way they should know the indicated fix may work (not sure why) or it may not.

I have the same symptoms, namely the clients can ping by address but not by name, the DNS not working properly. In my case boht gateway and client are ME, and the internet connection is cable modem. The same thing happens with a 95 client.

It seems to me that ICS on the gateway is not handling the DNS request in the way I would like, that is passing it through, nor is it intervening and making it look like that's what's happening. Does anyone know a good description of the ICS and DNS combination?

I'm pretty sure for me it's none of the things mentioned earlier in this thread such as ISP DNS addresses or firewall interference, nor incompatibility of ICS with the ISP's service, so I guess there may be a combination of settings in Network Setup on the various computers that will do it, but there's only so many reboots possible.

I do have an alternative as the clients are OK sharing the internet if the gateway is booted to its other operating system SuSE Linux, so we'll do some scheduling.

Paul Street.
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