Can someone try and write the C code for the problem below?<br>Define a structure "person" with the following characteristics: name , sex, age.<br>Create a program that:<br><br> -Enters the data for a certain number of structures from the keyboard into a text file named "DAT.TXT".<br> <br> -Reads the data from the text file and writes it into a binary file named "INDATA.dat".<br> <br> -Reads the data from the binary file and <br> a)distinguishes females and males and puts them in different lists;<br> b)sorts both lists by name;<br> <br> -puts the selected items into two binary files, "OUTDATF.dat" and "OUTDATM.dat".<br><br> -Prints out the files "OUTDATF.dat" and "OUTDATM.dat".<br>..<br>struct should be used and not class..<br>thanks a lot.<br>My email: <A HREF=""></A>