crystal version8.
Hi I want to create a sales report in cross tab format.
Jan feb MAR ... total
qty amt qty amt qty amt
Item1 120 1200 20 200
Item2 1 1 2 2
customera 121 1201 22 202
in each month what is the total qty of the item sold, total cost in that month (qty*unitprice)..
using cross tab i was able to
create row 1- by item
row 2- by customer
column -invoice date (by month)
summarised field will have total qty shipped..
currently i have
Jan feb MAR ... total
Item1 120 20
Item2 1 1
customera 121 22
summarised field here is qty shipped..
I have no Idea where to include the formula amount ,
as a row,column, as a summarised field..???
Hi I want to create a sales report in cross tab format.
Jan feb MAR ... total
qty amt qty amt qty amt
Item1 120 1200 20 200
Item2 1 1 2 2
customera 121 1201 22 202
in each month what is the total qty of the item sold, total cost in that month (qty*unitprice)..
using cross tab i was able to
create row 1- by item
row 2- by customer
column -invoice date (by month)
summarised field will have total qty shipped..
currently i have
Jan feb MAR ... total
Item1 120 20
Item2 1 1
customera 121 22
summarised field here is qty shipped..
I have no Idea where to include the formula amount ,
as a row,column, as a summarised field..???