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98 losing connection with w2k dc 2

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Nov 8, 2002
I have 2 problems. 1. I have a few 98 machines on my network. After lunch the machines lose connection with the dc. (can not access shared dir's etc..) People then reboot the machine and then try to log back in but find out their account is locked out. I have went through the DNS settings on the dc to make sure the name matches the assigned static IP. WINS is enabled on the dc servers and the correct settings are on the pc's for dns and wins. I have also tried to remove the 98 pc's from the domain, rebooted and readded them with the same results. I also made sure their pc name is in the AD. problem 2. A few weeks back I changed the bad logon attempts to 3 in the ad. This was locking the 98 pcs out with only one attempt. So I changed it to 5...same result. So I changed it again to no limit and same thing. Is there a registry setting or something that 98 makes to do this? How can I change it.
Please help

I think this is an issue with the fact that Windows 9x doesnt know what AD is. This can be fixed by pulling a patch from Microsoft to resove.

I also remember something from a while ago regarding the way 2k handles logon requests from 9x/nt machines. If you have 2 dc's then you should change the FSMO roles of one to take the PDC-Emulator role away from the first machine that was built in the windows 2000 domain. If the FSMO roles all reside on one machine the PDC-Emulator wont work properly.

Hope this starts you down the right path.

Thank you for your help. This helps explain the errors in the event viewer. I've never heard of FSMO but after further research this will help.Thanks
OK read up on FSMO's and checked my servers and everything looks good there. When I go to my wins console/ active registrations no pc's show up on the right side. Should there be? When I right click and find by name and type in the name of a pc they show up. Since I've changed everything over to static would it be safe to enter this information into WINS as static? I realize this creates alot of managing but I'm out of ideas.
What first started this was that the 98 machines were not updating the DHCP database so I went around and gave every pc a static IP with the correct DNS, WINS settings. After that I went to the DNS server and added the pc's with the correct ip and name for each pc. I went into AD and made sure their pc's were part of the domain. I then deleted the old entries out of the DHCP database. Then went back to the 98 machines and took then out of the domain then readded them to the domain. During that time I changed account lockout with bad login attempts to 3. This locked out all 98 pc's with only 1bad log in attempt. So I changed it back to 5 with the same results. Then changed it to not defined with the same results. Please help!
Did you install the DSClient app found in the clients\win9x folder of the win2k server cd? I believe this utility identifies ad to win9x machines.
How can you tell if this is installed? I did look into the services and found nothing to do with this. Also loloked in add/remove prog and found nothing. Do you install this on the 98 clients or the server itself?
Nevermind got it....I will install this on the 98 pc's and try it thanx!
You run it on each client. Copy it to a diskette to ease the transport from pc to pc. Also, on each pc, go to Control Panel, Settings, Network and click on the Identification tab. Key the domain name in where the Workgroup name was.
Hope this helps.
Did this work?
I have the same problem with win 98's locking out on a win 2000 network.
I experienced this problem some time ago. Their is a microsoft knowledge base article on this and a fix which you can get from microsoft. It is an exe file that you run on the Windows 98 client. I dont have the file with me at the moment but if you give me an email address I can post it next week.
I installed the DSClient.exe file that paulray recommened on a few 98 pc's last night. Only time will tell if it will work. I will keep you posted.
Are the 98 machines going to sleep during lunch? Perhaps you can change the power settings found on the screen saver tab to never sleep and see what happens?
I also forgot to mention that when logging in on the windows login screen, the domain should be referenced. ie <domainname>\username. For example, if your domain is torfs1 and your user is johnx then the login should be torfs1\johnx. This is the way we have our net running and havent had any problems.
Thanx seaspray will do that. Does netbeui need to be installed on the dc in order for the 98 clients to communicate with it?
If you are in a windows 2000 domain you can also use username@domainname as a login.

Netbeui isnt needed.....its a rapidly declining protocol so I would say dont use it...

ok I was able to get with microsoft and get the updated dsclient.exe from them. It came out sept 2002. If anyone needs this or is having the same problems let me know. jamz23@hotmail.com Here is some helpful links I found for this issue. Thank you everyone for the help.

Good news...no one came to me today complaining about their account being locked out...guess it worked :) thanks again
I have been fighting this problem for months now. I have tried the dsclient.exe that came with the W2K CD with no luck. I would be interested in the updated one. ckm000@hotmail.com
netbeui doesn't have to be installed. The 98's will work fine with TCP/IP. Since they are using WINS for resolution, you should have the &quot;use netbios over ip&quot; box checked. Netbios is the protocol for WINS resolution.
In my case it is dial-up 98 clients who can successfully dial into the RAS Server but then get an account lockout when trying to access the shares. The option for 'use nebios over ip' is dim, but checked.
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