Is anyone running their 96xx phones on a Cisco 3550 PoE switch? If so, have you experience any power/rebooting issues? My site in question was installed without any issues. Now, 6 months later, some of the 3550s at the location lost power and the phones power cycled. The phones now get caught up in a looping reboot where they won't get past the 'Avaya One-X' screen. I have tried putting multiple versions of firmware on a phone to correct the issue, but this has not worked. What has worked is issuing a command on the individual switch ports "power inline delay shutdown 10 initial 60" and the problem goes away. Networking does not like to use this command as they feel it may harm the switch.
So, of course networking feels it my issue since the phones were working at install and now they are not. But, nothing has changed on the phones since install. They are running the same firmware (3.101S) and have not been upgraded to 3.102S.
So, of course networking feels it my issue since the phones were working at install and now they are not. But, nothing has changed on the phones since install. They are running the same firmware (3.101S) and have not been upgraded to 3.102S.