We recently upgraded our IPO, One-X and VM Pro systems from 8.1_69 to 9.1.10. Our environment currently consists of 9641G IP phones (ver 6.2209) and a handful of Polycom IP Soundstation 6000's. We were no longer able to order 9641G phones so we had to purchase the 9641GS model. I did some initial testing (plug in and make sure it works) with a couple of the 9641GS phones and they seemed to work fine. They are running firmware version 6.6029. There were 2 that I tested, however, that had an odd problem. The first one worked fine all day after plugging it in and logging in, but something happened overnight which caused the phone to malfunction the next morning. Everything appears normal, but when I try to call out, there is no dial tone, although, I can still call out and I can answer the call with my cell phone, but it is completely silent. Then, when I call the phone from an outside number, it rings, but when I answer the call it is completely silent. Rebooting the phone resolves the issue, but I don't understand why this happens (it happened 2 days in a row). The second phone had this issue the first time I plugged it in. A reboot resolved the problem. I'm not sure if it's an issue with the phone, the firmware, or what. I've never had this problem with our 9641G phones. We are about to start deploying these phones so I need to figure out what's causing this.