Ive decided to finally try and back up a large 824 system that I service. I didnt know until recently that it was possible. Im getting close but need some help. I have an 824 DR3 here in the shop. Ive got the RAD not fast rad) connected and can connect to it using NRU11.
I can make changes but the backup and restore function says "connected to system UNKNOWN and that feature is unavailable" I have read that I might need Norstar Manager 3.5 or 3.7. Is this correct? I wasnt able to locate either online (for free).
Any advice? Thanks! Steve
Ive decided to finally try and back up a large 824 system that I service. I didnt know until recently that it was possible. Im getting close but need some help. I have an 824 DR3 here in the shop. Ive got the RAD not fast rad) connected and can connect to it using NRU11.
I can make changes but the backup and restore function says "connected to system UNKNOWN and that feature is unavailable" I have read that I might need Norstar Manager 3.5 or 3.7. Is this correct? I wasnt able to locate either online (for free).
Any advice? Thanks! Steve