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8-bit, grayscale to rgb color 2

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Technical User
Jun 9, 2004
curious question from a relatively intro user of PS CS.

in scanning several black & white negatives, is there a technique or process by which the scanned image can be converted from 8-bit, grayscale to rgb color in PS CS? simply choosing RGB does not convert the image, rather add color to image. understand that for a grayscale image, there are 256 shades of gray. how to assign a color value to a corresponding gray value is the delima.

i'm using an mac computer.

PhotoShop itself will not do that, you have to go in and color each item manually. Very time consuming but can be done, however it will look more like a colorized photo as apposed to a true color photo.

Tony Perkins
follow-up question...

why is it that color images can be converted to grayscale and not vice versa?

i do not readily understand.

When you convert to b/w, you throw away the color information. How can the program make up this information later to convert it back to color? It can't.

[red]"... isn't sanity really just a one trick pony anyway?! I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you are good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit!" - The Tick[/red]

Photoshop might be impressive but it's not magical... what would you say if someone gave you a black and white photograph and asked you to print it in colour!?

As TomThumbKP states, when you convert a colour image to greyscale it is demoted. It is not possible to promote the image to colour afterwards. This means that now only 1 x 8-bit channel (which equates to 256 tonal shades) is storing the pixel (picture element) information.

To understand this further it helps to understand binary:-

128  64  32  16  8   4   2   1   <--- columns
——————————————————————————————                  = 255 maximum value
 1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   <--- 0 or 1

the maximum number that can be obtained from this 8-bit (8 columns) code is by putting 1's in each column

1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 = 255

0 .. 255 = 256 maximum combinations

this 8-bit code can represent any number between 0 and 255 - for example 21 decimal = 10101 binary

this theory expands to RGB like this

R (Red) = 1 x 8-bit code
G (Green) = 1 x 8-bit code
B (Blue) = 1 x 8-bit code

Each 8-bit code is exactly the same as a greyscale picture (check out the channels in a RGB picture in Photoshop)

In order to represent this a 24-bit code is required (8 + 8 + 8)

24 bit = a palette of 16.7 million colours

Here's the proof...

[tt]1 bit code = 2
2 bit code = 4
3 bit code = 8
4 bit code = 16
5 bit code = 32
6 bit code = 64
7 bit code = 128
8 bit code = 256
9 bit code = 512
10 bit code = 1024
11 bit code = 2048
12 bit code = 4096
13 bit code = 8192
14 bit code = 16384
15 bit code = 32768
16 bit code = 65536
17 bit code = 131072
18 bit code = 262144
19 bit code = 524288
20 bit code = 1048576
21 bit code = 2097152
22 bit code = 4194304
23 bit code = 8388608
24 bit code = 16777216 <--- 16.7 million colours[/tt]

Hope this makes sense! :)

Kind Regards
How does photoshop create greyscale out of RGB? It takes a color, analyses the amount of red, green and blue, then averages it out to give one value. For example, if red = 200, green = 0, blue = 100, it may take 200 + 0 + 100 = 300, then divide it by 3 to get an average of 100. That will be the greyscale value. (actually, this is an oversimplification -- photoshop doesn't average the values quite that evenly, but it gives you an idea).

Suppose you have another color that's 100 red, 200 green, 0 blue. The average is still 100+200+0 = 300, divide by 3 = 100, so it will give the same greyscale value.

Now let's imagine that you're given a greyscale value of 100. What way would you color it? 200,0,100? 100,200,0? 100,100,100? It's impossible to know, which is why the conversion in photoshop only works one way.
duncdude & blueark!

thanks much! a star for you!

as a gearhead, i now understand!

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