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70-270 XP exam 2

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Feb 1, 2004
Hi All:

I am going to take the 270 exam in less than a week, I have done alot reading of Microsoft technet/books/ and trying to use XP,

does anyone know a good exam outline/source for this exam? (not brain dump or cheesheet), I want to see what I may have been missing

How did you do?

Have Certs, Will Travel
"A knight without armour in a [cyber] land."

I passed it, it was a little harder than I studied for, in fact it covers alots group policy stuff or at least make you think its a quetion about GP at the beginning of the question, if you are taking it, I would advice to review the remote and unattended installation as hard as you can
and think about what GP can be done in the XP environment, if you see a question you not exactly sure the answer, take an educated guess


Was this your first exam?

I am gearing up to try and take 70-270 around the middle of july and it will be my first MS exam.

Any Tips?

yes it was my first 2003 exams since my NT exam days, I am going to take 70-290 next week, havent have much time to study hopefully I can pass, heard its hard, but its the least difficult out of all 2003 exams, did you hear about the second chance deal ?

Just found info on the second chance offer and it is only available in the US.

Not here in Scotland.

I am an American and LOVE IT, you gotta love being and American , we have everything here in the USA!
Including, unfortunately, hubris, or so it would seem...

We have BOTH Rush Limbaugfh and Michael Moore... We have too many lawyers... We have people who [insert your own favorite pet peeve here]... :-(

So, the Microsoft 2nd chance, you see, is just a means of compensating us for that... ;-)

I think I'm going to enjoy it here anyway!

Have Certs, Will Travel
"A knight without armour in a [cyber] land."

I wouldn't say 290 is easier than 270 - it's easier to study for IMO in that I don't think the topic list is as broad, however it goes into a lot of detail on the exam. I don't think the maximum score is as high as for 290 either, I was reading one testing site and the max score they'd seen was about 850 (has anyone gotten higher than this?).
NickFerrar :

I did seen any info about passing score, I would say 850 is about right in my past Microsoft exam experience, I think they tended to be lower in some harder scenario exams, but 800-850 is the general passing score for most exam I feel

have you taken it ? can you offer some advise ? two days left for me and I just blew the whole weekend without much studying, need to have some slam dunk study seession the next one and half days

thats a cool effect, thanks for quoting me my words

a break certainly wouldnt hurt, I agree, just want to make sure myself not taking too many of it, to add to it, it is really hard to study when I have a 1 year old running in the house, nobody's fault but mind, do my best

...took me a year studying on my own to gain the confidence to pass the tests for MCSE 2000... 2003 is tougher; but builds on the same AD foundation...

Don't rush it, just set flexible goals and adjust them as you're ready... Both VUE and Prometric will allow you to reschedule exams...

Some folks like taking all the tests in one week... I don't...

Have Certs, Will Travel
"A knight without armour in a [cyber] land."

JTB, what do you mean you are going to enjoy it here anyway?
Let's just say that unlike some folks (especially those on TV, Radio, or in the Film Industry) who hate this, that, or the other thing about Bush, Kerry, or whoever, I'm thankful to have a techie job and live in a place (i.e., the USA)where they don't kill you for disagreeing with any of the local religious or political leaders...

I've been to the UK, Netherlands, Germany, South Korea, and Mexico. I like most of the people I met in all of those countries (and a few more whose people I met while they were travelling). I want to travel as a tourist back to all of the countries I've visited. But I'm very thankful I was able to come home.

But this is all rather OT, so I apologize...

Have Certs, Will Travel
"A knight without armour in a [cyber] land."


you are right, I used to have a roomate (who actually was the one got me into this field) is like that, he is really smart in taking exam, I believe he has the hands on, but even him is not the perfect

I think its good to be motiviated and set a reasonable goal, that is what I am trying to do, I already lay my gun down for 3 months since I pass the last one, now its a job requirement, I think I want to update my skill and this is one easier way to provide it on paper quickly, hope this will get me a better job provide me to get more hands on and the cycle continues ....


i'm from London but i've moved to the USA, been here just over a year now. What part of the UK did you visit?
London, Slough, Uxbridge, and a wee, little, wide spot in the road called Totnes (on the River Dart)...

Totnes has the distinction of having the only castle captured by the Protector that wasn't razed... ;-)

And a nice B&B/Pub called the Steam Packet...


JohnDRockefellerIII said:
The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it, put your whole soul into it -- every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have.

Have Certs, Will Travel
"A knight without armour in a [cyber] land."

I failed 290 today ... by 10 points, dont we all hate that ?, thought I had a good run until the end not enough to time to even look back one question, the passing score is 700, and the questions are not as wordy as I first thought it would be... until my back from vaction trying it again, practice my timing ....
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