Technical User
On the 5500G setting up DHCP relay was simply a process of setting a dhcp server and then using almost the same command at the VLAN interface level. This doesn't appear to be the case with the 4800G.
I have a single stack with 2 units, currently in use for testing. I have attached one of the Windows domain controllers to this switch. The network address for vlan 1 is The link back to the main current switch is as follows:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
broadcast-suppression pps 500
undo jumboframe enable
poe enable
stp edged-port enable
On the other end is a 3Com 2924HPWR. I can still access the DC when on this port and recieve DHCP on the regular VLAN.
I have enabled dhcp globally on the switch.
I have defined a relay group as follows:
dhcp relay server-group 1 ip
dhcp relay server-group 1 ip
On the interface for VLAN 7 I have assigned this group:
interface Vlan-interface7
ip address
dhcp relay server-select 1
I have added and activated the scope for vlan 7 on the windows server.
When testing a machine plugged into a vlan 7 access port, DHCP does not work. A wireshark trace only shows DISCOVER packets from my laptop.
On the 5500 this was such an easy task...I have googled and I see others have mentioned the problem but not posted their solution.
Anybody know where I've gone wrong?
Many thanks
'When all else the manual'
I have a single stack with 2 units, currently in use for testing. I have attached one of the Windows domain controllers to this switch. The network address for vlan 1 is The link back to the main current switch is as follows:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
broadcast-suppression pps 500
undo jumboframe enable
poe enable
stp edged-port enable
On the other end is a 3Com 2924HPWR. I can still access the DC when on this port and recieve DHCP on the regular VLAN.
I have enabled dhcp globally on the switch.
I have defined a relay group as follows:
dhcp relay server-group 1 ip
dhcp relay server-group 1 ip
On the interface for VLAN 7 I have assigned this group:
interface Vlan-interface7
ip address
dhcp relay server-select 1
I have added and activated the scope for vlan 7 on the windows server.
When testing a machine plugged into a vlan 7 access port, DHCP does not work. A wireshark trace only shows DISCOVER packets from my laptop.
On the 5500 this was such an easy task...I have googled and I see others have mentioned the problem but not posted their solution.
Anybody know where I've gone wrong?
Many thanks
'When all else the manual'