Hoping to find out if abrooks3640 or anyone else has figured out the RJ-45 console wiring on the 3com 3870. I picked up one on eBay and am having the same issue that abrooks3640 described in his thread -- it doesn't DHCP, the pin-out in 3com's manual gets me nothing, with or with-out a null modem adapter, and the alternate pin-out that abrooks3640 described doesn't seem to send correctly.
Hoping to find out if abrooks3640 or anyone else has figured out the RJ-45 console wiring on the 3com 3870. I picked up one on eBay and am having the same issue that abrooks3640 described in his thread -- it doesn't DHCP, the pin-out in 3com's manual gets me nothing, with or with-out a null modem adapter, and the alternate pin-out that abrooks3640 described doesn't seem to send correctly.