Hey Guys! In our restaurant we dont have our revenue center set to print customer receipts automatically when a check is out in. This works great except when the bartenders or servers are taking phone orders for TOGO or Delivery orders. In this case they have to take the order, send it, which prints to the kitchen fine, and then reopen the tab, print the check, and manually walk it into the kitchen. We would wish when the order is set to delivery or Togo the customer check is automatically printed to a delivery printer (which is a idn printer attached to a workstation preferably, or could be a remote printer). It’s very important to have this customer check attached to the delivery bag for the customer and so the driver can add items not covered by the kitchen for example Soda. I have been told we may have to add another revenue center and sign the Togo and Delivery to those order types and allow automatic customer check printing. This seems like a complicated way to do this. If anyone has other ideas I would be greatful if you could share! Thanks in advance! Dave Freeman