We have a 3300 ICP running
Let's say we have users A and B. When A is on vacation, they setup call forwarding to forward calls to B.
If B is on another call or away from their desk and doesn't pick up, calls go to A's voicemail.
We would instead like to make it so these forwarded (not picked up) calls go to B's voicemail.
This topic on the Spiceworks Community indicates this is possible. From the response marked Best Answer, "put that extension as the 1st alternative in the call rerouting assignment form." ("that extension" meaning the extension to forward calls/voicemail to)
So, I've tried this. On the Call Rerouting Assignment form, I clicked Change Page for the number associated with A, and plugged in the extension/number for B in the Call Rerouting - 1st Alt field. With that configuration, when I call A's extension, it rings and rings and rings...
I reverted the Call Rerouting - 1st Alt setting. On the Call Rerouting First Alternative Assignment form, I selected an unused entry and clicked Change Page. I entered B's extension in the Directory Number field and clicked Save, but I see the error, "[tt]The directory number is not allowed.[/tt]" I thought I could do this, then plug in the number for the Call Rerouting First Alternative Assignment form/entry in question, into the Call Rerouting - 1st Alt field of the Call Rerouting Assignment form for A.
Do you know if the problem is our software version? Something I missed/misunderstood? A workaround/other way to accomplish the same goal?
Thank you!

Let's say we have users A and B. When A is on vacation, they setup call forwarding to forward calls to B.
If B is on another call or away from their desk and doesn't pick up, calls go to A's voicemail.
We would instead like to make it so these forwarded (not picked up) calls go to B's voicemail.
This topic on the Spiceworks Community indicates this is possible. From the response marked Best Answer, "put that extension as the 1st alternative in the call rerouting assignment form." ("that extension" meaning the extension to forward calls/voicemail to)
So, I've tried this. On the Call Rerouting Assignment form, I clicked Change Page for the number associated with A, and plugged in the extension/number for B in the Call Rerouting - 1st Alt field. With that configuration, when I call A's extension, it rings and rings and rings...
I reverted the Call Rerouting - 1st Alt setting. On the Call Rerouting First Alternative Assignment form, I selected an unused entry and clicked Change Page. I entered B's extension in the Directory Number field and clicked Save, but I see the error, "[tt]The directory number is not allowed.[/tt]" I thought I could do this, then plug in the number for the Call Rerouting First Alternative Assignment form/entry in question, into the Call Rerouting - 1st Alt field of the Call Rerouting Assignment form for A.
Do you know if the problem is our software version? Something I missed/misunderstood? A workaround/other way to accomplish the same goal?
Thank you!