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3 TOC questions I CANNOT find answers to!!!!!

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Technical User
Feb 26, 2004
I hope someone can help with this. I have spent sooo many hours searching the web for answers, all to NO avail. Not even ONE of the three questions answered! Anyway...here's my three wanna-do's!

1) When FrameMaker makes my TOC, it shows the paragraph tag as HeadingTOC (or something to that effect). I know how to go in to Format>Paragraphs>Designer to change certain aspects of it, such as to make it ALL CAPS. HOW can I EDIT that paragraph tag to ALWAYS be ALL CAPS. Can that be done?!?!?!?! So in other words, any time a TOC is made, it will always be ALL CAPS. (FYI - right now, it always shows up as exactly what is typed, which is usually all small caps since we don't bother typing capitals because our "heading" element is always ALLCAPS, does that make sense?).

2) When I have a TOC exactly how I want it...is there a way to use that TOC as a template for all other documents/books that we create??? The instructions in the Help files are TERRIBLE. But...there are instructions there, so I'm thinking it should be able to be done!!! I have tried making one the way I want, copying it over to my new book, renaming it to match my new book, updating the book (I have even seen these instructions somewhere on the web today)...but then when I open the TOC, it still shows all the info from the old book I copied it from. Any ideas?

3) The TOC always adds a page at the end to make it even # of pages. I know how to do/undo this feature and it's fine, it needs to be that way. But HOW can I add text in the MIDDLE of the page (centered) such as "Intentionally Left Blank". I can do this easily on a structured document but since the TOC is not structured I can't figure it out. Is this possible?

Ok...that's it. ANY help would be sooooo GREATLY appreciated!!! Have a great day!!!

1. When you go into the Paragraph Designer to make it all caps, are you clicking Update All?

2. You can use any Frame file as a template. For TOCs, you really have two options for using it as a template.

a. You can create your TOC and then import
formats from your template.

b. You can make a copy of the template, name
it the appropriate name for your book file,
save it to the appropriate folder, and then
create the TOC in the book.

Option b sounds kinda complicated, but it really isn't. Frame always uses the name of the book as the first part of the name of the TOC. For example, if your book is krishill.book, your TOC file name would be krishillTOC.fm (at least in Frame 7). Copy your template to the folder for your book and rename it using the above format. Then in the book file, create a new TOC. The new TOC should assume the formats of the template.

If you try option a or b, and the template's formats aren't appearing, try re-generating the TOC once more. Sometimes it takes a second time through to get the formatting correct.

3. I haven't had to do the intentionally left blank thing for a while. Seems to me that you set up a new master page with that text in the middle. Then when the TOC adds that blank page, you apply that custom master page to it.

Hope some of this helps.

Rick Henkel
Senior Systems Developer
Thank you SO much Rick...will give these a try. However, with #1, yes, I "UPDATE ALL", but that just updates ALL in the document, not all, for every future document with that paragraph tag, doesn't it????

Yup. I didn't realize that that's what you meant.

Maybe I'm still not understanding, but couldn't you Update All and then use that document as your template? Or do you mean that you want that heading to be all caps in all of your chapters, too (not just the TOC)?

Rick Henkel
Senior Systems Developer
Rick, you're amazing!!! Thank you!!! It worked and so now 2 of my probs are fixed!!! TOO COOL!!!! (I haven't worked on the 3rd one yet (ILB)).

Thank you SO much!!!!

If you set your paragraph tag to ALL CAPS the text will appear as all caps in your document even you use lower case, but it will appear in the TOC as ALL CAPS only if you typed it with ALL CAPS, if you typed in lower case, it will be lower case.
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