I have a user that wants a chart with an x, y, and z axis for his existing data. He wants there to be one zero point with the three graphs vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.
Does anyone know how to create this chart or any user defined charts in Excel
Point 1: You can create the graph using the chart wizard in Excel. These do allow three dimensional charts.
Point 2: 3D charts are a waste of time. They look neat but CANNOT be used for any data analysis. The eye cannot gage the differences of 3D columns or lines in a 2D space.
3D charts are a sign of data manipulators who don't understand data.
Well... let's not be so quick to condemn 3-d, recent MBA or not... there are a few packages out there designed to create 3-D plots and which allow you to "explore" the space by rotating etc. I don't think they would sell if they didn't have value.
But anyway...
Valori - what you might try doing is offer a slightly different solution to your user. I've had cases where I wanted to plot 3 dimensions but did something else with better effect. One in particular worked out great... Along the x axis I had day of week. Along the y axis I had time of day, and on the imaginary z axis I wanted performance statistics. Rather than creating a z axis, I did a surface chart in 3D, and used color to denote depth. In my case, red (hotter) colors were bad, blue (cooler) colors were good. I rotated the chart so it was viewed from straight overhead and the only way to read "depth" was with color, which worked out nice. I got my point across and even my boss' boss understood my charts.
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