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Technical User
May 4, 2004
I have a 403 DT unit. I have put on version 3.0DT. I have no DT phones plugged into the unit as I am going to use a DS 30 module with 5410s. The phones are showing incompatibe etc. but if i put on 3.0(xx) it works. confused. I thought 3.0DT was for 403DT
it is, If you are using 20XX phones
The V3.0 DS software will run on IP403DT system units but the DT ports will not be supported.

If you are only going to use DS handsets on DS expansion modules Use the V3.0DS firmware.
so I can put version 3.0(59) on a 403DT and normal ds software on ds module.
if i have a 403 dt with 3.0DT software will the DT ports be supported?
yes you can install V3.0(59) on a 403DT

if you install V3.0DT you can use DT ports & DS ports (64XXD & 24XX handsets), but the 54XX handsets do not work becuase V3.0DT is realy just a rebadged V2.1!
thanks is more clearer than Avaya's documentation
Sorry but i really need clarification on this. We have a 403 CPU with analogue modules and 16 port digital modules, only have 20xx phones.

Does this mean that the actual expansion module would have to be changed to another for compatibility with DS phones?? and what about the 8 ports on the fromt of the cpu unit?

WE are running 3.0DT (latest available) Sorry for such basic Q's but as an english user we have not really seen any other type of kit.

You have Digital Termial expansion modules (DT) which run the 20xx series phones (DT). You need a Digital Station module (DS) to run 24xx 64xx 54xx series (DS) handsets.

New features on R3.0 have been developed escpecially for DS type phones. This is not 3.0DT

If you wish to run the DS style phones you will need a DS module. If you want to run R3.0 aswell, you can not use the DT modules and the DT ports on the front of the 403.

So basically 20 series handsets are not compatible with R3.0 and up.
& as you are in the UK you will get frustrated by the operation of the DS phones during you change over period.

Call apperance will drive your UK customers Nuts (why is my phone not busy when I am on a call?????)
I heard from my technical support distributor that in 3.1 they introducing a feature to give back busy or send the call to voicemail when you are on a call when you have appearance buttons. I don't know how true that is?? May be someone can clafirfy.
OK thanks guys. One of our two units was upgraded from a Newtork Alchemy unit and the installer replaced the CPU module but not the analogue and digital modules, I assume that there will be no way to run the DS software on the "old" Alchemy modules?

We bought the Alchemy at the end of 2000 then it was discontinued shortly afterwards. Then in Dec 2004 we replaced the Alchemy CPU and installed a new IP403 with 60 analogue ports at our other office. We have been effectively shafted twice by Avaya and although the product is good, the company that makes it clearly has no regard for supporting the kit. I don't think I will be buying Avaya again unless they rectify this firmware bull.


The old Alchemy analog modules can be upgraded to any IP Office software release,including 3.0

Have many old black modules running on Versions 2 & 3

I have one 30 port analogue, one 16 port analogue and one 16 port digital of the black alchemy ones, at the other office I have two 30 port analogue IP office ones

There is a feature in 3.1 called twinning if you use this with no voicemail on the system you can get busy tone but it's not an ideal work around.
Why do you want to run DS phones anyway ?

Keep your gear and run 2.1

It works well.
A lot of our customers have had DTs for three or more years and want something new on their desks. The upgrade process from DT to DS is not too bad and you get 50% off you DS modules DS handsets and contact store when you trade in the DT equipment. Take advantage of this offer now before Avaya stop the offer

& how much do your "upgraded" customers complain about call apperance & the loss of Visual Voice from the DT handsets?
My customers hate it.
They have lost covering extensions tab.
also if you do not have appearance buttons program cll log does not work.
Guy's to get round the call appearance problems cant you just get rid of the other call appearance buttons and leave just one?
Unfortunatly you need at least a second to transfer the call
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