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2K Domain : XP slow loggin in!

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Jun 17, 2002
I have just updated our PDC from NT4.0 to Win2k. Ever since doing that any XP Box that tried to log into the domain takes anywhere from 1.5 min to 5 min to log in. I have checked our switch setting and set them from Auto to 100mb and it changed nothing. Anyone have any other ideas?
I have a few questions.
1) Have the XP machines been joined to the domain?
2) Is there a WINS server?
James Collins
Field Service Engineer

email: butchrecon@skyenet.net

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its your dns, make sure all users r configured to point to your severs' ip and on the server if its behind firewall or nat create a forwarder to the correct ip

Good Luck! Thanks, PAUL

First to Butchrcon:
Yes the XP boxes have been able to joing the domain. 2) No we do not have Wins server nor will we be.

I agree that there is no need for a WINS server if you do not have downlevel clients or legacy apps that require it.

Are these workstations on the same physical location as the DC that is authenicating them. If they are logging in over a WAN the GPOs and logon scripts have to be copied.

If not make sure they are pointing to the correct DNS server. Thanks
Erik Butler
2000 MCSE
I am having the same issues as above. My proglem is users are logging in and taking about 15 min to log in from a xp prof box. they are connected to a 100 meg full switch, then each of those are connected to a gigabit hub which is connected to twin gigabit server nics. The server its self is a 2.5 gig 2 gig memory p4 with twin 15000rpm seagates. I did the dns fix as above menchoned and that worked during the day, but the next morning it did it again??? I checked the dns and it is back the way it was. ???

Have you tried using lmhosts on the xp boxes and see what happens? Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional

"They believe that nothing will happen because they have closed their doors."
Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949); Belgian author
I have the same problem as gdtex that after I reboot the xp pro clients it takes 15min to logg in to a domain, NT or w2k. My problem was that it was a preinstalled os that I got when i bought the pc. I got passed this problem whith reinstalling xp on the clients. Dell and Fujitsu-Siemens says that is has to do whith som security settings on those preeinstalled pc. I have tried to find a workaround to it but whith no success. Does anyone have one??
I'm having the same problem as everyone else. I tried putting the ip address of the domain controller in the dns of the XP box but it didnt seem to do anything. Do I need to setup the win2k server as a dns server??????
I fixed my slow logon problems by installing and configuring dns. Now my xp clients logon fast.
Check and see if and administrator can log on with no problems. If this is so, sometimes deleting the user profile, rebooting and logging on again (thus recreating the profile) will do the trick.
How did jggomb configure their DNs - we have a similar problem and any info they have would be really appreciated.
I have emailed Microsoft Tech Support about this issue.
Hi all, since I was the one who started this post I thought I should come back in and let you all know that once you have setup a DNS server and pointed the PC's that are having problems (Win2K,XP) to that DNS server the slowness of logging in is the gone. TO setup a DNS server is easy especially in our case it was just a matter of adding the DNS service. Also something to think about, if you had 2K PC's installed on a NT4.0 domain then upgraded to a 2K domain it might be a wise idea to take the 2K pc's dis-join them from the NT4.0 domain that they think they are still on and re add them to the 2K domain to allow them to work fully with Active Direcotry! This is what I have been told from a few of our consultants, thought I would pass this along. The most important thing is getting DNS up and runnin correctly.
I have to say I beat myself up alot with group policy being the culprit, but that DNS setting worked like a charm. Thanks for your help.
there is no need to take the pc's from the domain and readd them. I upgraded our infrastructure to w2k serveral months back and all the w2k machines work fine. the only ones with issues on logging in were a couple machines that are on slow wan links with no server at the location. I hope that you have your DNS running correctly or it will cause you a world of hell to work on.

Glad to see you got things working Thanks
Erik Butler
2000 MCSE
told u guys, u should have listened to the third post =) Thanks, PAUL

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