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May 9, 2005
Has anyone else just spent the last 2 weeks updating all network PC's and servers with the latest DST Microsoft patches, just to find out today that there is also a separate OUTLOOK patch for office 2k3, regarding specifically to the calendar function?

What a PITA!

If you only do the DST critical update for windows OS, existing calendar appoints from dated from this sunday until the start of the old DST start date will be an hour off!!

OMG! Everyones gonna die!
We decided not to run any tools or hotfixes for the calendar update. It was going to cause appointments to be re-sent, plus a few friends on mine in IT have run into numerous problems.

For now, until April 1st, we are just having users uncheck the box for DST in calendar options under tools to correct the hour difference. They will have to recheck it April 1st.
In our company, 80% calendars are correct but for about 20% percent, it's all messed up. By the way, we have run the Exchange tool successfully.

In a word, It's a mess!!
Yes this is a little ridiculous!

Our fix didnt work either for unchecking that checkbox.

This tzmove.exe program doesnt work for most of our users either.

Black Monday for IT
I have seen this problem in the company:
When the person who deosn't have DST patch installed sends an meeting request to a person who has the DST patch installed, the time is wrong on the recipients.

So I have to applied the patch manually to those PCs. Last week I applied the patch through GPO. Obviously not all PCs receive the update....
hey shack daddy....

any idea why the tzmove tool won't update items on some PC's?
Look at other threads for discussions of errors. Or post the error here, and I'll help you with it. Depending on what it is, there are different tweaks you can make to your 'mailboxes_1.txt' file.

Shackelford Consulting
on my own calendar, when i run the tool it never came up with any times that needed adjustments. I have 4 recurring appointments / week. 3 of them have no issues within the extended period. only 1 does.

If the tool is run two weeks after we ran the windows OS patch 931836, then it should be fixing any instances of items created prior to that time (which it isnt on many of our PC's)

However since we have a 2 week buffer, and run the tool, any items created AFTER we ran the windows os patch 931836 will be moved an hour ahead incorrectly.

So I guess we are SOL considering the tool is not working properly on items created before the DST patches, and now there is such a huge time windows from when we did those patches.

its going to be user by user item by item at this point.
where is this 'mailboxes_1.txt' file located and what does it do?
It sounds like you never read my walkthrough that I linked to earlier.

It discusses a switch you can use to only touch appointments that were created prior to the patch. That switch can be used either with the TZMOVE tool or with the Exchange Calendar Update Tool (which is really just a script that uses the TZMOVE tool to adjust the appointments of multiple users).

Shackelford Consulting
I did read your walkthrough and on 4 PC's I have tried using the switch command on the Tzmove tool but I get this error...

Could not complete the operation. One or more parameter values are not valid.
okay my bad on that one. I got the tool with the switch to work locally on my PC but it still does not update the 1 incorrect item.

Maybe I did something wrong the first time, and windows / outlook has marked the item fixed at this point.

Let me find another user that we havent ran the tool on yet.
Hi Shackdaddy,

I have been following the threads on tek-tips but I have to admit… I am new to servers and exchange servers. I really don’t want to be a bother or a pest but I do have some (dumb?) questions :

Followed your instructions… downloaded the patches and put them in a “common” shared folder,

Created the user, tempdstuser, (so far things are good!!! Thanks),

Go to the mail store….. huh?? We are using add2exchange (I didn’t set up the server),

So this is where I am lost… I don’t know where the mail store is located. Thus far, I have abandoned the update.

BUT to make life interesting.. I installed the patches directly.. when I try to install the msextmz.msi, I get an error: unable to install because Microsoft Exchange server has been detected.

So now I am not sure what to do….. can you guide me?

FYI: I installed kb926666-vs-en but kb931836-x86 didn’t install (said I already had a newer file installed). And installed tzmove.exe.

We have sbs 2003 sp1 and exchange sp2. also using add2exchange for email/calendar.

I have been in contact with the manufacturer (diditbetter.com) and we will be updating their software later this week.

Hello all,

My scenario is different as I am running mostly Win2K machines on my SBS2003 network, mine is the only XP box. My problem is with calendars in Public Folders. I updated my XP box, ran the TZMOVE against the Public Calendars, and everyone's is perfect...except for mine, still an hour ahead. I don't have a clue how to fix it...if I change an appointment on my PC, everyone else sees it at the wrong time. I am having my secretary write "3PM" or "5pm" after every appt. so I know. Very disorienting, especially when everyone else's schedule is fine. Any ideas will be welcomed with open arms.

i was told to disable cache mode on your outlook and it worked for us.
I ran into problems running the Exchange Update tool, that took quite a bit of work to figure out.

When you run the Exchange update tool, you specify a profile on the local machine to use for the update. Ours was called Administrator. You can specify that in Outlook or in Control Panel -> Mail.

Once the tool kicked off, it chose to create a profile of (I believe) the first user it came across in the Mailboxes_1.txt file, and use that as a default. Since you deliberately chose the Administrator profile because it used the account with "Send As" permissions, that was bad. I had to pause the script from running, change the default profile back to Administrator, and let the script continue.

The other issue I encountered is that some of the MS documentation around the Exchange Update tool told you to use the Legacy Domain Name for the server name in the tool. In the latest release of the tool, the NetBios name is what it is looking for.

Stoner - the error you are getting about exchange server being loaded on that machine is caused because you cannot run the Exchange Update tool on a machine with Exchange loaded on it, even if it is only the Exchange System Manager. I used the virtual images MS has available and ran 4 instances on a MS Virtual Server. We have 2 exchange servers and about 2200 mailboxes per server.

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