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2003 OWA password change 1

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Technical User
Dec 7, 2002
What is required to change password using OWA, I don't see password button when I look at OWA options?
Is ther a guide available to setting up OWA to allow password changes?
Thanks for any help
I have had OWA with the password change running for a while now on IIS 6.0 with Exchange 2003. I continue to have a problem when someone's password expires, or I check the "User must change password at next logon" button. It will not let them change their password. Anyone else run into this??
Guys have a look at the following;

321582 The Outlook Web Access Change Password Option Does Not Function

267596 XWEB: How to Change OWA Passwords Through IIS

315579 "HTTP Error 403" Error Message When Password Changed with OWA or

328242 XCCC: You Receive an Error Message When You Try to Change Passwords If

823175 Fine-tuning and Known Issues When You Use the UrlScan Utility in an

Can everyone having a problem confirm there setup, i.e. what is running as a FE or BE and the OS involved?

Hey, I've followed the steps on my Exchange 2003/Win2kServer and the Change Password box *is* there. HOwever, when I click it, a new window with a 404 error comes up. Anyone know how I can fix this?

I am running Exchange 2003 as a standalone server (no FE) on Windows 2003 server. The change password option works as long as the user account is not locked out or has expired. If account expires or I check the "user must change password at next logon", they are prompted with the achg.asp page and it prompts them to change the password. After hitting submit, they are given an error of "The message supplied for verification is out of sequence". i am completely baffled. Help!! :eek:)
Thank you pachucos that worked perfect for my 2003 OWA.

I'm working on a custom Password change, if anyone is interested, let me know what kind of features you'd like.

I'm going to attempt to THEME it, and change the plain form to popups and such..so gimme a shout if you have any other ideas.
I am having the same problem as bdulany. A user is able to change their password in OWA by going into options once logged in, but if a user has the "user must change password at next logon" flag set on the domain they get the following error from OWA upon login:

"you are not authorized to view this page"

Any help would be much appreciated.


It sounds like you need to enable anonymous access on the IISADMPWD directory. Once a user account has expired or needs to have their password changed, their account is not valid on the domain. Anonymous access must be enabled for that virtual directory in order for it to work.

I managed to get my problem fixed by changing the IUSR account for anonymous access as well as get a "not yet released" patch from MS.

Good luck!!
Thanks bdulany. I actually already have enabled anonymous access on the iisadmpwd virtual directory. Do you have any other ideas? I may have to call MS tomorrow...
This fix as already been mentioned,

This liitle gremlin caused me several days of pain and suffering, until KB final give this article up.
My system is all W2K3 & EX2K3 but this artical is applied

If you set up Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA) in a Web site outside the default Web site in Exchange 2000, and then try to use OWA to change the password, you may receive the following error message:

The page cannot be found
HTTP 404 - File not found
Internet Information Services

We were getting errors -2147022675 and -2147023570 when trying to change an expired password with OWA and IIS6.0 - similar to posts by tquinna and bdulan.

We have now been issued with a hotfix by MS Support and the associated KB number does not seem to be published anywhere - very frustrating given the number of other posts I have found on this issue!

The Hotfix came in: 159102_ENU_i386.zip and contained file WindowsServer2003-KB833734-x86-ENU.exe

I hope others find this post useful.

Just to add to the last post, we were also informed that iisadmpwd had to be in the ExchangeApplicationPool.

If this is not done, you will get a HTML page with Error 403 - Forbidden: Access is Denied.
temp00, can you send me the fix. My address is ccampbell@hotpop.com . I would really apprecoate it.
Just thought I'd put my two cents in:

Already had OWA configured for change password window, but when password required to be changed at next logon set, users were getting an authentication error.

Based on this thread, I changed the application pool for IISADMPWD from Default to "ExchangeApplicationPool", restarted IIS, and now users receive the change password window with "Your password has expired. You can change it now" message.

Spoke too soon!

When I actaully change the password (not that I'm receiving the screen when the user must change their password at next logon) I get "Error -2147023570"

Any more suggestions???? Thanks to all!!!

PS, Why doesn't Microsoft have this listen in any documentation??? :)
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