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2 NICs on 2 diff PCs, and problems on both. Help!

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Technical User
Dec 23, 2001
I have a 3COM NIC on a P2 PC with 64MB RAM and win98SE upgrade. It used to work with my wireless hookup. Now I have to use the 56K modem to get any help.

On this PC I cannot get the connection to work or the notification icon by the clock that shows the wireless is working. Any help here is appreciated.

Now, the other problem. I have a 1.6Ghz P4 512MB Ram, 2 40GB hdds, 1 Datalink NIC card which uses the wireless only. The old OS was xph and when the hdd failed I had 2 new 40GBs put in and 98SE installed.

I cannot understand why the tech who repaired my 1.6Ghz PC could use his wireless service on my NIC card and my ISP guy could hook up his laptop to my ISP service but I can't on the PC. The old NIC was also a 3COM like in the P2 machine. THE IRQS ARE 10 AND 11 SO THERE IS NO CONFLICT BETWEEN THE NIC AND VIDEO.

I have done a boot to startup disk, ran scanreg /backup, then scanreg /fix, but even though it says the registry was fixed nothing changed. I still cannot get on the internet.

I have posted on the general hardware and DNS/BIND/DHCP(?) forums but no one has answered. I really need help.

Will reinstalling the OS fix this problem? Also, I looked at the .sys files and in netdet.ini it refers to "Novell" on most of the lines. Does 98se use Novell? I thought that was for companies with more than one computer hooked to each other (LAN). Also, just so I am using the right terminology, what kind of setup am I on? LAN? Network? etc? I have only 1 NIC on a wireless but only use one machine at a time on the wireless service.

Many kudos to you who help me.

I have know Idea what proplem you are referring to. Here is a hint, if you want someone to help you, split your problems apart. It may mean more work for you but less work for all the people who are reading what you have wrote and trying to understand how they can help you. Maybe I just don't understand... maybe you are trying to connect the two PC's. It's just a little unclear for me.

1.) Did you get a new NIC?
2.) Did something change after the Tech worked on the computer?
3.) Is it just internet access that you can't get?
4)) Is your network card set for a static IP or is it set for DHCP? Do you have DHCP on your home network? Are you connecting from your wireless NIC on your PC to the Wireless Gateway DSL Router?
Thanks Beotch, for answering my thread. I have had so much trouble I have not checked back. I am still having problems and will try to explain a little better. At least I will try.

The above still goes. Also more events are added too.

Ok, here's the scoop updated. I have 2 pc's, not connected physically to each other. Each has its own nic card. The p2 has a 3com, the p4 has a Datalink NIC card. I used the p2 for awhile to get on internet and get email using a wireless service.

Then along came the p4. Set up the same except it had xph not 98se in the beginning. Then a hdd crashed and I got 2 40GB hdds and put 98se on. The isp techies kept telling me it was xph that was causing all of the problems with getting on the internet.

This past two weeks has been a real training session plus a disappointment. I have not had but 2 days out of 14 I could even get on the net. I'd be on and half hour later drop totally dead in my tracks. Reboot, cold boot, etc did nothing to restore service. My isp tech would watch my surfing while I was on the phone with him and he saw there was a proxy service running just ahead of theirs called akamai.net. There are no proxy servers set up in my pcs settings. Just yesterday when it did work I also saw another proxy running with overture in the name. It went by so fast I did not get it all.

My tech came out and replaced all equipment except the maxtech (modem) box. They told this would be replaced but so far they haven't brought it. The system seemed to work for
the tech while he was here. I got on and srufed for half hour then all went kaput again.

We have run spybot, adaware, jave web start, virus scanners, etc, all updates are on, have the latest versions of ie, oe, and netscape. And, this is wierd, everytime I go to a site when is is running to do an online scan the pc would drop dead right then. Spooooky.

I am computer literate on many things but I can't understand why the old machine worked before and now it won't work either. The only thing that changed was a new ip address. Both machines are setup the same (diff os) but have 2 diff nics. This seems to me is a problem with the wireless equipment. The isp guys keep telling me its my pcs.

I don't know if you will get this or even if I can access email to see if anyone answered as this service is sporadic if running. If anyone can help, me and the techies will be greatly appreciative.

If no help is forth coming that is ok too. I'm about ready to drop this pc off at the nearest dam.

Thanks in advance.

Ooops. I forgot to turn on email notification.
Update. The tech put up a taller tower and changed out some equipment n their end and now it seems all is working better. If it stays running for more than a few hours it might just be fixed.

Thanks to all for your input. Right now no more help is needed.
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