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1A2 Trouble - Low Volume from Key System

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Dec 1, 2008
Long suffering 1A2 key system repair tech again, with another tale of woe trying to support all of the Los Angeles City sites (50% of 500 buildings!) with this old stuff.

Common complaint from the phone users is low volume being heard from callers, no matter if they are called or called in to the key system.

You guys made me look brilliant on the line hang up modification for the K400 cards, what can you come up to solve my low volume problems?

I have been taking out the cross connects on blocks with bridge clips, and been directly tying down the CO trunks to 110 terminals. This has an effect, but not a huge improvement or enough to satisfy the customer.


|Michael Berg|Communications Electrician|City of Los Angeles - Information Technology Services|555 Ramirez|Los Angeles, CA 90012|
Hi Michael,

What kind of low volume problem are they having? Is it one phone or a group of phones?

Are they using a variety of set types, 2830s, Comdial VX-41 Voice Express, etc.?

How many appearances do the lines have? Have you checked handset receiver units? cords?

Have you checked transmission level of the line(s) by measuring the milliwatt level with a TIMMS?

I'll bet my last dollar that you are shooting a problem that has been there for years, most likely from time of installation.
Since you said the City of Los Angeles, are these OPX lines on the KSU.

The volume is outbound from KSU to the outside world either calling out or called in.

All of the 6 button sets have a low volume, although one 10 button set has a very nice sounding level. I took out another 10 button set and tried replacing one of the 6 buttons that did NOT make a difference.

The line appears on all phones sets, its the main business lines.

Have swapped handset cords and handsets, no difference in volume between them all.

Have yet to measure milliwatt levels, but its something I need to get used to doing to trouble these problems.

These are OPX lines to the KSU.


|Michael Berg|Communications Electrician|City of Los Angeles - Information Technology Services|555 Ramirez|Los Angeles, CA 90012|
Do you experience this when you call site to site as well as dialing 9 and and outside number.

Since a 1A2 is mechanical, I'm guessing that you'll get the same loss if you insert a good old 500 (you can't seriously have them fancy touch tone pads on the system can you :) )
set on the incoming line and dial directly out.

I have a pair of transmission test sets and 2 or 3 digit grabbers in the warehouse. You probably need to measure the loss to a 1004 Hz termination number. Zero to about a -6 dB is acceptable, anything else will start to sound pretty bad. Test it at home on a line you can hear well on to get a reference point.

Are the phones sharing cables using CPC's. If so, are the violet pairs lifted? Could also be dirty dial contacts in older 2565 sets. Just a thought from an old time Bell head.
I'm not sure how much luck you'll have getting replacement parts, but I'm sure sandman.com will have equipment that will band-aid pretty well for you.
Well, if is a transmission problem with the OPS lines, that would not involve replacing any phone equipment, per se. You might want to open trouble reports for the circuits with the service provider about the low levels, but it would be a good idea to test them yourself first, if you have the equipment and another body. Since you would need a person at each end to test them properly. Telco will bill for NTF!

Are these OPS lines all originating from one location / PBX?

Sorry Im late to this party. Have you placed your Butt Set on the OPS lines Tip and Ring. Do they sound low from the Demarc? If so call the Telco. If not Then one OPS line at a time move the butt set along the circuit to the phone. Also look for loose AMP connectors between the KSU and the phones. One loose AMP could cause a group of phones to have issues.

Another old phone guy.

1a2 to ip I seen it all
seeing that I may have worked on some of those location in the 80's check as to what THECHZMAN said, or that there is not any bridging clips on the v/green and v/slate pairs,
are they still using centra net lines ?
That would only be true for 2565HK series sets, WECO or ITT. Using bridging adapters on 2830 sets has different issues. But if that was the problem, they would also have line seizure or call cutoff problems from the A lead. RMXRider did not mention that.

since this is a mechanical system. wiring is common to all the phones. unplug 1 phone at a time to see if the problem clears. ive seen 1 bad apple spoil the whole bunch
You need to check 66 blocks where the 10 buttons set are punch down. One may be one pair off.Or unplug one ten Btn set at a time till volumn comes up.
Have you resolved the issue yet? If so how, just curiou....

Cello Telecom
Thanks for all the replies on this post.

Was there a FIX?

Sadly, no.

It works as well as it ever will, until we get the funds to put in a newer system.

Which may be awhile, we are financially stressed like everyone else.


|Michael Berg|Communications Electrician|City of Los Angeles - Information Technology Services|555 Ramirez|Los Angeles, CA 90012|
I am interested to know. Are you talking about the real old style key sets that have 5 lines and that red hold button on them> Are these old yet atomic proof systems and sets still in service today?

Many moons ago I had a similar problem on a few lines, and the ringers were directly wired to the line on the 2565 sets and there where a bunch of e1a ringers all over the place to boot... they totaled abot 18 ringers in all and were barely doing their job and loading the line down nicely... The previous in house tech was deathly afraid of the ring matrix. once I cleaned up the lines the audio issue was resolved. Also bear in mind that if the lines come over a channel bank that may cause an issue as well.

Vince Caruso
Cello Telecom
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