The problem appears only on 1608 devices, although 4610s are used also. From time to time the user is placing the handset off hook but hears no dialtone. After pressing the hook three or four times he hears dialtone. Even more weird is the fact that if a user comes across that problem, all the other users (1608) get no dial tone. All the latest firmwares have been installed, on the 1608s but also on the CLAN. No H.323 firewall inspection.
Has anyone come across that one?
Thanks in advance.
The problem appears only on 1608 devices, although 4610s are used also. From time to time the user is placing the handset off hook but hears no dialtone. After pressing the hook three or four times he hears dialtone. Even more weird is the fact that if a user comes across that problem, all the other users (1608) get no dial tone. All the latest firmwares have been installed, on the 1608s but also on the CLAN. No H.323 firewall inspection.
Has anyone come across that one?
Thanks in advance.