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1 GB? or 2 512 MB stick O' RAM 1

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Aug 21, 2002
I want to upgrade my PC to a gig of ram. I currently have 1 512 in an Intel 845 mobo. I want performance and price is not the issue. Is it faster to have 1, 1 GB PC2700 stick, or to have 2, 512 PC2700 sticks? Please let me know your opinions. Thanks!
It depends on what OS you're using first of all. For example... if you're using 98, I don't think you can go past 512MB.... in fact even using 512MB on that OS could actually harm your performance depending on what type of RAM you're using.
What do you use your computer for? If it's for graphics rendering etc then I can understand you need that much. If you're a gamer, it's a waste of money.

And as said, it also depends on your OS.
In theory I don't believe it makes any real difference. Going by prices (I know you said it doesn't matter) I would always go for a couple of chips over 1 since the prices are extreme with no real benefit unless you have all your sockets used up.
Im runnin win xp pro. Its a performance machine used for gaming and remote connectivity to work. Wasting the money doesnt really bother me, i just want the fastest configuration possible :) i only have 2 ram slot... thanks for the input!
I've never heard of there being a performance difference between 1 stick or 2 sticks of RAM. If there is, I think it would be negligable.
This is something that you would have to refer back to the manufacturer of the motherboard on. I have often thought if a machine gets hot at all sometimes the further away from the CPU the better. It would be nice to have some way to test it. I think there are some benchmark tools like sisoft sandra that can test memory configurations. Of course that would mean buying both which sounds yucky. Try looking on and and see if they did a revue on your motherboard or particular chipset. If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
I'd say get the super one gig stick, if your mobo supports it. I know my old p3-450 had three slots and each could take as large as a 128 stick, limiting total to 384. When I got the thing, it came with a pair of 64's (durn quantex!). You say you don't care about money, so if your board will take it, splurge and get the big one. That way, if you for some inane reason need more, the option is open. Besides, with getting a single stick upgrade, you can keep the one already in there. 1.5GB ram doesn't sound too shabby, even if it is 500% overkill for 99.923% of available applications. And who said our national economy is sagging due to frugal spending habits of Americans... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
...but I'm just a C man trying to see the light
I don't understand people like you rentvillas. What's the point in ever having "the fastest configuration possible" as you put it. Even if you get the fastest config, it won't be the fastest in about 2 weeks because there'll be something new out. It's a waste of money and time. And having 1gb ram for games is a waste, it just won't use it.
I think your'll find over the next few coming months we'll see more games that will utilise that kind of memory. There are already a few out there now :)
I agree with pyramus (although maybe not so harsh :) ) - as times go it just wont make a difference, and when it does start to make a difference the price of that size of chip will probably be lower.

As the saying goes, ----------------------------------------
There are 2 types of computer, the prototype and the obsolete!!
Aye but he is saying price is not to come into it, in which case you can't deny the 1GB would be better than the 512 :)
I don't believe you would notice any difference on an exact same system when putting 1gb ram in compared to 512mb when playing any game, and that's including UT2003. Ok maybe in theory there should be a difference, but we simply wouldn't notice it.

(note: I'm not saying you wouldn't notice the RAM if rendering graphics etc, i'm talking about game playing).

Most games no, some games yes - games in development definately.
I still agree with pyramus.... if you sat 2 computers with exactly the same spec (except one had 512 and one had 1gig) and played a vairity of games, you probably wouldnt be able to say which was better.

Anyway.... i think we should kill this conversation now, and agree to differ. ----------------------------------------
There are 2 types of computer, the prototype and the obsolete!!
Well Everquest for one, I mean that has 512MB RAM as its recommended minimum, any less and it crawls.
Look, i love computers...... FAST computers, and i ended up getting a 512 stick of PC3500 DDR RAM. thats 433 MHz of RAM power. ircf i would have gone w/ a gig had it been available at that speed but unfortunatley its not. pyramus you obviously dont understand the "need for speed." while it *might* be a bit of an overkill i really dont care. The fact that it will be dated in a couple of weeks does not bother me either. ill just upgrade my machine.
Don't take this personally, but you clearly have more money than sense.
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