hi all, <br> <br>i am confused to this whole passing parameters across from html to perl idea, (hey, c'mon, i'm used to COBOL!) i cant seem to get my head around the idea of passing them through, and getting them to initialize to a point that the perl code can understand what they are talking about!<br><br>so, let's say the following...<br><br><HTML><br> <BODY><br> <form action="eskimoes.cgi" method="POST"><br> eskimoe type:<input type="text" name="esktype" size=30><br> </form><br> </BODY><br></HTML><br><br>and my perl code is...<br><br>#!/usr/bin/perl<br>print "Content-type:html/text\n";<br>print "<HTML>\n";<br><br>-- and this is the point where you guys tell me how to say...<br><br>the type of eskimoe you input was:$esktype<br><br>-- ok, see where i'm blowing my brain??<br><br>please help, how do i carry on my cgi scriptybabydupher to tell me what i just put in the box?<br><br>-- basically printing what i just typed into my HTML browser.<br><br>Thanks all in advance!!<br><br>Karl. <p>Karl Butterworth<br><a href=mailto:karl_butterworth@ordina.co.uk>karl_butterworth@ordina.co.uk</a><br><a href= > </a><br><i>I'm slim shadey, yes i'm the real shadey, all you other slim shadeys are just imitating; so wont the real slim shadey please stand up, please stand up, please stand up!</i>