I want my Java Variable to be set by my PHP variable
I have a Variable called Siteip Its a java variable
I have a Variable called $ip that is PHP
how do I set the Siteip variable to equal the $IP in PHP ?
1st question revised:
If I want the variable java variable ip to be set to what the php variable $siteip is there a format to do that
in PHP?
2nd question revised:
Any simple example on how to set a cookie in PHP
Lets say I want the cookie called "Name"...
Two questions from this Beginner
If I want to transfer a variable thats PHP to one thats JAVA
how do I do that?
1st question:
If I have one like var IP =
and I have an $IP in PHP but I want IP to be the $IP for JAVA ?
2nd question:
Any simple example on...
How do I create a temporary flag variable say $flag
that can be checked from one page to another using an if ($flag=="1"){ statement. I dont want to save it in the database but I still want to flag it and unflag it from time to time...
If I have a statement like
if (!$result1){
$logonsuccess = 0;
How would I include a $result2 check so that if either
result tested ok the if statement would work?
I have a form (like who doesnt) And way Id like to
place some of my PHP variables like $user etc... into
the form as it is modifying a selected user...
How can I make the value= in an html form be equal to the
variable ?
I have programmed a lot in Java Script
there is a location = command you can use to re-direct
the page to another page...
Is there a way in PHP to excute a line of code that loads
another whole page replacing the existing one?
Thanks A million
I have a table with the following
$ID is = the current logged in users ID which is 24 when I test.
Yet when I run this from the web page
$sql = "SELECT * FROM phpSP_users";
$result=mysql_query($sql) or die("Blah");
I get Resource id #7 as my...
I have a table with the following
$ID is = the current logged in users ID which is 24 when I test.
Yet when I run this from the web page
$sql = "SELECT * FROM phpSP_users";
$result=mysql_query($sql) or die("Blah");
I get Resource id #7 as my...
I am completely new to SQL
I connect to the database ok and the table is phpSP_users
when I run this statement or others changed a bit I either get the "Blah" or id = 24 Resource id #7 Thank you!
I am looking to get the info on userID 24 which is am sure $ID equals...
The odd part is on...
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