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Search results for query: *

  1. SandroHappyUFO

    To check duplicate row in datawindow

    //==================================================================== // Event: wfc_n_cst_dwsrv.of_isunique() //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Desc: CHECK IF the passed Array is unique in the datawindow...
  2. SandroHappyUFO

    Working With Menus?

    hello,i do as this: 1\create 2 tables ,sys_module,sys_point and in the 2 tables,save the data just like the base menu eg: table1\sys_module: row moudlename ----------- 1 file ----------- 2 edit table2\sys_point: row modulename...
  3. SandroHappyUFO


    try the function : rightW()
  4. SandroHappyUFO

    Filter dropdown datawindows

    in the datawindow's event itemchanged|rowfocuschanged, datawindowchild ldwc_SCR String ls_APP IF dw_1.getchild('SCR',ldwc_SCR) = 1 THEN ls_APP = dw_1.getitemstring(dw_1.getrow(),'APP') IF ISNULL(ls_App) THEN ls_App = '' IF Trim(ls_App) <> '' THEN ls_Filter = ...//builder filter...
  5. SandroHappyUFO

    Transforming column/text properties among datawindows

    try the function: getfullstate(),setfullstate()
  6. SandroHappyUFO

    MDI related

    thanks if a sheet is opened ,you can use window.bringtotop = true to active the sheet. find the function mf_open_sheet(string name) in the object m_mdi_first_next,i added some test script: w_mdi_first_next_sheet w_instance window list[] integer cnt,i string temp if mf_is_open(name) then // if...
  7. SandroHappyUFO

    Opening a non-existent object

    hi,i May Find another way to check if en object is exists. String ls_libraries[] String ls_LibraryList ls_LibraryList = GetLibraryList(), of_parsetoarray(ls_LibraryList ',',ls_libraries[])//a custom function to parse a string to an array ClassDefinition cd_windef cd_windef =...
  8. SandroHappyUFO

    MDI related

    hi, you are right,if opening the same sheet,the classname() returns same,i suggest you declaring an instance Variables to Flag diffent instance Sheet And Show in the Title,then you can nevigate one to another using the Window's Title,you can refer to the Sybase PowerBuilder Code Examples...
  9. SandroHappyUFO

    Edit masks

    hi em_1.text = '123412345612341' //1?Declare Long ll_StartPos = 1 String ls_OldChar, ls_NewChar, ls_Mask //2?Get The EditMask's Mask And Replace "X" to "@" ls_Mask = em_1.Mask ls_OldChar = "X" ls_NewChar = "@" // Find the first occurrence of ls_OldChar. ll_StartPos = Pos(ls_Mask...
  10. SandroHappyUFO

    MDI related

    hi, you can build a statusbar at the bottom of the Frame LIKE Windows OS,when you open a sheet,register the window in the status bar,when the window is registered,"create" and show a button in the statusbar datawindow,and in the datawindow's buttonclicked event ,get current clicked window's...
  11. SandroHappyUFO

    Message Box Text Color

    oh , it's a popup window without titlebar. if you are interesting about the source code,you can email to me(pauling_li@163.com),or contact me by icq(224-380-985)
  12. SandroHappyUFO

    Opening a non-existent object

    w_data_sheet w_sheet1 try OpenSheetWithParm(w_sheet1, '', 'w_prova', w_sheet1, 0, Original!) catch (Runtimeerror rt0) string ls_message ls_message = 'Error Number:'+string(rt0.number) & +'.~r~nError Text :'+rt0.text & +'.~r~nError Line:'+string(rt0.line) + '.'...
  13. SandroHappyUFO

    Selection change event for a dropdown datawindow (dddw)

    hi,The Primary DW'S itemchanged event is useless? or maybe you can do this with a user event using the "pbm_command".and write the script : datawindowchild ldwc_child GetChild("dddw style column name in the primary dw",ldwc_child) IF hwndchild = Handle( ldwc_Child ) THEN CHOOSE CASE...
  14. SandroHappyUFO

    Message Box Text Color

    hi,it's an actual messagebox created in PB. i download the example's sourcecode from internet,the Author's name you can find on the screenshot,He is Rjh,not myself[thumbsup],but maybe we can discussing about this.
  15. SandroHappyUFO

    How to Modify DW Grid Line Color

    thanks thekl0wn. i'll try it.
  16. SandroHappyUFO

    Find in treeview

    you can try this : //==================================================================== // Function: wf_findtvitem() //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Arguments: // value string as_code...
  17. SandroHappyUFO

    Message Box Text Color

    you can create a custom messagebox like this:
  18. SandroHappyUFO

    Drop down datawindow behavior

    hi, if i puzzle of this thing,i will put a command button:cb_1 on the primary window, and after the primary window brings back data where the country id is null and the drop down shows "Inapplicable" ,in the clicked event of cb_1,i will write as below ...
  19. SandroHappyUFO

    First Question Here,Look Forward to Any Help

    thanks it's seems i must create a function,no easier way.
  20. SandroHappyUFO

    GetFolder function,Please! Help!

    hi by API,you can new a folder when clicked "OK" or "New Folder" button. sorry,may be have,but i don't the easier solution.

Part and Inventory Search
