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Search results for query: *

  • Users: t16turbo
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  1. t16turbo

    Implicit Conversoin error

    thanks for that. I used Convert on the second union to change EXTERNAL_ID to a varchar and it seems to have done the job.
  2. t16turbo

    Implicit Conversoin error

    just made a change to the first SELECT in the Union. (I had change it to test some ideas) here it is as it should be with the +' - '+ included Select ATEHistory.DepartCode, ATEHistory.TransDate, ATEHistory.Client+' - '+ ATEHistory.clntname, rtrim(ATEHistory.lastname)+'...
  3. t16turbo

    Implicit Conversoin error

    hi there, i'm trying to perform a union using the following SQL: Select ATEHistory.DepartCode, ATEHistory.TransDate, ATEHistory.Client+' - '+ ATEHistory.clntname, rtrim(ATEHistory.lastname)+', '+rtrim(ATEHistory.firstname),rtrim(ATEHistory.EmplyCode), ATEHistory.description...
  4. t16turbo

    Help with sorting out my formula

    Hi guys, I have several formula fields which return a text string given certain criteria. I use them do display exceptions on project fields. Then display these in one big text string using a formula as follows: whileprintingrecords; numbervar counter := 0; stringvar array x := [{@Version...
  5. t16turbo

    writing a subtotal subroutine

    thanks guys, PH, your code is basically just the code generated by subtotals. my live data will have about 1100 rows - and if I try to manually create it using the concat column it takes ages to run. i'm wondering what I can do to improve the performance of it. in reality I have about 5 or 6...
  6. t16turbo

    writing a subtotal subroutine

    hi there, I have the results of a qeury which I then need to subtotal based on two different columns. the data looks like this (simplified) project location actuals etc uk1234 UK 54 23 uk1234 UK 10 7 uk1234 Thai 10 15 uk1222 UK 26 5 I need...
  7. t16turbo

    Formatting Dates from parameter values

    Hi there, I have a text control in the 'before' section which includes 2 data parameters: "Date Range: " & param_start_period & " - " & param_finish_period how can I format these to dd-mmm-yyyy format?
  8. t16turbo


    hi there, is there a way I can perform a sum of distinct values in an expression? My sql behind the report returns one or more rows for a single time entry (as I am also returning timehseet notes) My report has grouping levels with the timesheet notes at the lowest levels I need to only sum...
  9. t16turbo

    Hyperlink for report being published to Niku Clarity

    also, the canned reports code is as follows: Sub SetLinkTo( row As AcDataRow ) If IsNull(NikuSequential::ActuateLocale) or NikuSequential::ActuateLocale = "" Then LinkTo = "" Else LinkTo = "/" & NikuSequential::ActuateLocale End If LinkTo = LinkTo & +...
  10. t16turbo

    Hyperlink for report being published to Niku Clarity

    hi, thanks for the suggestion. I used your code instead of mine, but it's still returning the same error. I just dont know what I am doing wrong (or right for that matter) is there somewhere else in the report hat needs altering? or the target report?
  11. t16turbo

    Hyperlink for report being published to Niku Clarity

    Hi, I am trying to use Hyperlinks in my report to fre up a second report when the Client Code is clicked on. I've used a report that comes with clarity as an example, and adapted the code in my report. Sub SetLinkTo( row As AcDataRow ) me.LinkTo = "/PRJ/Support1b.rox?Submit" & "...
  12. t16turbo

    bound variable error

  13. t16turbo

    Query advice and suggestions

    thansk guys. that works. well, myold idea works, but I must say I DO like to keep things looking neat and easy to debug.
  14. t16turbo

    Query advice and suggestions

    that makes sense!! right, here's my code: SELECT p.ID, P.NAME, SUM(a.PRACTSUM/3600) as actuals, Support.actuals as SupportTime, NonSupport.actuals as NonSupportTime FROM srm_projects p, prtask t, prassignment a, (SELECT p.ID, SUM(a.PRACTSUM/3600) as actuals FROM srm_projects p, prtask t...
  15. t16turbo

    Query advice and suggestions

    its slightly more complicated than that. its spread out over a resource table (containing the OBS unit of the resource - which is how I will determine support staff or not), a task table joined to the project table, an assignment table, joined to the task table and the resource table. a simple...
  16. t16turbo

    Query advice and suggestions

    I need to write a query that wil return time booked to a project, grouped by client. This is not a problem in itself, although I need to return time booked by support staff AND time booked by other staff. All time booked is stored in the same tables. I'm just wondering if the most...
  17. t16turbo

    showing all pivot items in second column

    hi all, I have searched this forum and ended up following a link which gives me: Sub PivotShowItemAllVisible() 'sort is set to Manual to prevent errors, e.g. 'unable to set Visible Property of PivotItem class Dim pt As PivotTable Dim pf As PivotField Dim pi As PivotItem...
  18. t16turbo

    Returning a single column of rows in one cell

    If I have the SQL statement SELECT dsti_proj_ref FROM odf_ca_project how can I have each row of this in one cell. lets say the results of the above query returns 5 rows: Proj123 Proj345 Proj456 Proj567 Proj678 how can I write a select statement to give me...
  19. t16turbo

    Find code not finding the value - error

    Hi, I have some vba that searches for a value in a specified column. Range(Columns("A:A").Find("Unplanned Very Likely").Offset(0, 0), _ Columns("A:A").Find("Unplanned Very Likely Total").Offset(0, 14)).Cut if that value doesn't exist it returns an error. "object variable or with block...
  20. t16turbo

    Group BY problem after removing select item

    Thanks Simon! well spotted!

Part and Inventory Search
