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Search results for query: *

  1. seantuk

    string stored in shared object on media server

    i'm new to media server, so it's just a simple noob question. i'd like store a string in a persistant shared object using media server. i don't really know what the limitations of media server are, but it sounds like it should be quite simple. i guess i'm looking for something like: ////on...
  2. seantuk

    Javascript "listener"

    i usually make a spare movieclip (in the shape of a 'c' for code) and place it off the top left of the stage. in there i can place things that need to control the movie as whole, and need to do work on every frame UNTESTED onClipEvent(load) { var oldVar:Number = _root.jSVar; }...
  3. seantuk

    AS2 to Rotate a Wheel?

    you can move the registration point with the free transform tool (press Q), or go into the movie clip, and just shift everything over slightly.
  4. seantuk

    automatic country (or similar) detection

    i was completely wrong. authoring multilingual/multilanguage text with the strings panel is what i was after. it makw the correct language text load from xml files when a movie is forst run. unfortunatly, i can find any way of getting an indication of how loaded this text is. at the moment all...
  5. seantuk

    automatic country (or similar) detection

    i now think that the solution has something to do with XUpdateResolver - but i can't find an exmaple of it being used this way (i may, in actual fact, be completely wrong)
  6. seantuk

    automatic country (or similar) detection

    i heard there was a was to make flash automaticly detect a clients localazation, and perhaps even use this to automatically load country specific xml files. is this true? is even nearly true? where should i be looking to learn more about this? is there an exmaple somewhere? ta
  7. seantuk

    Mac Mighty Mouse

    i have a mac might mouse that i'd like to work fully on win xp. if you just plug it in, and use the drivers that come with windows, it can't scroll left to right, and the side buttons do nothing. does anybody have any suggestions as to how i would get full functionality from this mouse? are...
  8. seantuk

    toggling between two button states in actioscript?

    put the two images on different frames in the same movieclip, and make the button code do this: on(press) { if(images_mc._currentframe == 1) { images_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { images_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } if you don't like using frame number, use a boolean to record what picture is showing.
  9. seantuk

    if (Key.isDown(65)). No error but not working. Any help

    you wouldn't normally use Key.isDown inside onClipEvent(load), that means 'is the key being held down as it loads?'. perhaps you mean onClipEvent(enterFrame).
  10. seantuk

    pages that swing

    UNTESTED create a movieclip with all your pages in side by side. make a mask that show on page where you want to see it. to make it work ou will need to move you rpages movieclip left and right appropriately. you can do this by always moving the _x attribute of this clip to a certain point...
  11. seantuk

    Get Images from a directory

    you can't read the contents of a folder with actionscript, the swf doesn't run on the server, it runs on the client machine. i suggest you create a web service, or other server app, that returns list of the relevent files. if you create something that returns text that looks like xml (.net web...
  12. seantuk

    load a .swf into level 2 at a specific x and y point?

    load it into a movieclip, like you would a jpeg, then move the movieclip to the correct position. nb - loadMovie, loadMovieNum and layers in general are out-dataed now. they still work, but there are better ways of doing all these things
  13. seantuk

    server side gif creation

    what's out there for people who wish generator were still suported?
  14. seantuk

    Generator alternative(s)

    now that generator isn't supported, what else can i use to make a gif dynamicly server side? i heard flash remoting can do it, but i can't find any details on this on the macromedia website.
  15. seantuk

    forced download - on ie

    oh yes, whoops. actually i solved it about 20 minutes ago. i just had to get rid of.. Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache
  16. seantuk

    forced download - on ie

    i'm writing some code to download a jpeg. the jpeg is passed in the url PictureLoader.aspx?picture=images/image.jpg there is nothing in the aspx file except <%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="PictureLoader.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="MySolution.PictureLoader" %> here is the...
  17. seantuk

    HTML stored in an XML file

    come on guys, there must be somebody here who knows how to use flash's xml utilities to read characters like '<' and '>' from xml files
  18. seantuk

    HTML stored in an XML file

    the content for a site i'm building is stored in xml files, so that it can be used for the no script/flash version of the site, and the full version. the xml file looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <siteContent id="tester"> <html id="sample"> some text </html>...
  19. seantuk

    XmlNode attribute - probably quite an easy one this

    i just found another solution a before lunch (which just finnished a few minutes ago in my country), but frankly if your solution works (it looks good), then i'd rather use that, so probably will next time. i ended up using XmlTextReader, and basicly coming up with a whole new solution (which i...
  20. seantuk

    XmlNode attribute - probably quite an easy one this

    Item(0) is set to null. i really need a way of referencing it by its name though

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