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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

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  • Users: sjc
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  1. sjc

    Adding a Reference in Runtime

    I don't think you'll be able to dynamically reference a new namespace at runtime. You probably want to look at using reflection. Maybe using an interface for your external objects to inherit from might give you some known structure to work with.
  2. sjc

    asp.net dll caching

    on my dev box, any updates I make are immediately reflected in the browser window as you'd expect. Any changes I make locally I have to copy to the intranet server so everyone else can get access to them. Problem is when I copy up the changed aspx and the .dll, I see the aspx changes but...
  3. sjc

    page layouts

    I have quite a few asp.net pages which I integrate into a Dreamweaver template forcing the ASP bits into 1 table cell. It sort of works but the big problem is when I have a page that gets long in length usually due to a repeater or datagrid. As the cell is enclosed on all sides by other cells...
  4. sjc

    XML File Parsing

    If all you're doing is just replacing text in the found file, why don't you open the file and use a regex replace function ? Probably loads faster than parsing the file manually through specific elements.
  5. sjc

    can u link a console application with a windows application in C#

    When you say link, what do you mean exactly ? You could for example have the console app create a waiting TcpListener instance and have the window form sending socket requests to the console that way. There are loads of examples of this type of thing on the web
  6. sjc

    Unzip classes?

    A quick search on Google gave me: Open Source (yay) http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/ or pay (boo) :) http://www.xceedsoft.com/products/ZipNet/
  7. sjc

    Manifest file?

    Why don't you post your manifest (if it's not too large) and we can give it a once over. Thousands of eyes are better than two :)
  8. sjc

    What is the reflection?

    ok here goes.... My app is very focused in what it does so it doesn't provide plugins in the Photoshop way of plugins in a way of it altering menu structures, buttons on toolbars etc although of course this would be easy enough to do. Basically with the main app is an assembly which litterally...
  9. sjc

    Array containg classes??

    Why don't you use an ArrayList ? It takes an object in its Item property, so as long as you cast it properly when you are referencing it, it will work fine.
  10. sjc

    What is the reflection?

    It's a mechanism where any .NET application/assembly can interrogate the internal workings of another application/assembly to find out what classes, methods, properties etc that class has. It has enourmous benefits in enabling a program to dynamically create classes in other assemblies which...
  11. sjc

    Is c# a good language to program games???

    <sigh> Yes yes, to get employed in games development you have to know C++. The original question was &quot;Is c# a godd language to use when devolping games?? &quot; And my answer is basically yes it can be done and games developed using it have the potential of being only marginally slower...
  12. sjc

    Manifest file?

    check out: http://www.csharphelp.com/archives2/archive319.html And here is an interesting class regarding manifests: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Code/2002/May/MenifestMaker.asp
  13. sjc

    &quot;Format&quot; function for C#

    ok, how about this then: string thedate = &quot;1002&quot;; try { if (thedate.Length != 4) throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); // this is basically what you're after DateTime dt = new DateTime(int.Parse(thedate.Substring(2, 2))...
  14. sjc

    &quot;Format&quot; function for C#

    Not really an answer but a possible workaround. Why don't you prefix your string representing a credit card date with &quot;01&quot; ? Every month has 01 in it so that way you'll have at least all the chars that make a valid date so the function tests shouldn't barf.
  15. sjc

    Is c# a good language to program games???

    Most of the people I talk to about making games fall into two broad catagories. Those who are alerady programmers and like the idea of moving into the game arena and those that love games but have very little programming or at least only experience in a high level language, which as you know...
  16. sjc

    Keypreview not previewing

    Is there any reason why Keypreview on a form won't work ? I have a real simple form (no text, sizable tool window, no control, min or max buttons, a combo box and that's pretty much it.) Keypreview on the form is on and I have no key handling event handlers assigned to the combo box. Typing in...
  17. sjc

    Killing a system process

    Check out the jcl library from JEDI (it's free) and the unit jclSysinfo (i think) allows you to terminate processes. If it's a true system process, windows might not let you close it.
  18. sjc

    Is c# a good language to program games???

    If you want to write professional grade games then of course c/c++ is the only way to go. OpenGL in C# is definitely viable though for basic games. It will always be slower than c/c++ but not by a huge amount it just depends on what type of game you're thinking of. A lot of games need as much...
  19. sjc

    CDR Duration

    Do you mean the call start and finish times ?
  20. sjc

    Reflection InvokeMethod and returning a class

    Fixed it by making the returned class serializable

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