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Search results for query: *

  1. Cocheez

    Drop Table And Recreate from a View problem

    While it is true IT people will only be running this procedure, I wanted it to be flexable enough to automatically pick up any changes made to the flat model (views) of the data without having to add the field to insert statement as well. Mainly a convience thing and so that there is less of a...
  2. Cocheez

    Drop Table And Recreate from a View problem

    You are correct Karl, running one then the other works great and will probably be my final solution. Still would be nice to see how to finalize drop (or any other) commands while in an SP. Thanks again.
  3. Cocheez

    Drop Table And Recreate from a View problem

    Can't a view only be indexed in Enterprise edition though? At least that is what the documentation I read said. We only have standard edition :( http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=1015 Thanks for your help by the way guys & gals.
  4. Cocheez

    Drop Table And Recreate from a View problem

    I tried adding the Drop statements in another SP but it still gave me the same problem. I also do not contest SQLSisters concerns, I just don't think they will matter in my case as I am not matching any of her scenarios. I am sorry to get you all wryled up, it is hard to explain your exact...
  5. Cocheez

    Drop Table And Recreate from a View problem

    SQLSister, It is actually an attempt to solve a situation where the view is far to slow to query data from (in the users eyes). Therefore we are creating tables, which are mirror images of the views from the last time it was run. We then can index the columns and the flattened table version of...
  6. Cocheez

    Drop Table And Recreate from a View problem

    That is true, in QA it does work with a GO. However, I need this in stored procedure so that another person can call it and refresh the data whenever he needs to, even put it on a timed process if he has to.
  7. Cocheez

    Drop Table And Recreate from a View problem

    For some reason I think the solution to this is very simple. I however can not find it. I need to drop a table in which the structure may be obsolete (the data will always be). Then I need to recreate the table based on another table or view's structure. What I have works when the table is...
  8. Cocheez

    SendMessage ( ) API call . . .

    Thank you very much for this list slighthaze !
  9. Cocheez

    Say I have a link table with two fi

    You are correct r937, Kevin's solution would return the same results only on a table where the two fields together formed a unique value using either a primary key or other unique constraint. That way you would never return rows that have duplicate data and avoid the situation you suggested...
  10. Cocheez

    Say I have a link table with two fi

    Actually ClairHsu hit it on the head, thank you very much. Using an IN clause will bring back any record that has one of those values in it. I needed a statement that would bring back a record that matched only those values. My friend Kevin also came up with this statement that does the same...
  11. Cocheez

    Say I have a link table with two fi

    Say I have a link table with two fields, idUser and idPermission, I would like to know how to Select just the users that have a set of permissions. For instance getting just the users that have idPermission of 1, 2 and 3. idUser idPermission ------ ------------ 1 1 1...
  12. Cocheez

    Registry Editing / Permissions

    Sorry, no resolution to the original question. I would like to know how you set the permissions on those registry keys. I just loaded up an NT4 machine to test some software and the user rights section is very limited. I appreciate any help. -Matt
  13. Cocheez

    Scanning directories and subdirectories??

    You could always use the FileSystemObject. This code works like a champ : (remember to include the ScriptingRunTime in your project) Dim oFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject Private Sub Form_Load() Set oFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject iterate "c:\3pm" End Sub Private...
  14. Cocheez

    Exporting VB Functions

    How or can you export functions in a VB(ActiveX) DLL so that you can call them using the 'Declare' statement in Visual Basic as you would using API functions? I know VB creates 4 exported functions already in it's ActiveX DLLs for registering and unregistering and createing and releasing...
  15. Cocheez

    How to read the name of files in a folders?

    To clarify, That is a peice of code I used to change names of files. Just change the oFile.Name = "_" & oFile.Name portion of it to something that will hold your file names. -Matt
  16. Cocheez

    How to read the name of files in a folders?

    Use the FileSystemObject, it works like a champ. ---- Dim oFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject Private Sub Form_Load() Set oFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject oneFolder App.Path & "\files" End Sub Private Function oneFolder(ByVal sDir As String) As String Dim oDir As...
  17. Cocheez


    It looks like you are trying to use an ADO control to traverse through your data. I would recommend dumping the control and just using the ADO's connection and recordset objects. Dim oCon as New ADODB.Connection Dim oRs as New ADODB.Recordset Then code your load event to open the connection...
  18. Cocheez

    can GUI respond to events in another program?

    I am also looking forward to the conclusion of this thread. Although I have no need for such a thing at the moment, it sounds interesting. -Matt
  19. Cocheez

    Random Number Generator

    Yes, do this. Add the different cards in a collection rather than an array. Loop based on the max amount of cards in the collections and randomly pulling out a card based on the count in the collection. Once that card is stored in your new, seperate collection, remove the item in the first...
  20. Cocheez

    Error: Type mismatch 13

    Ok, what is the error exactly? Is it something like 'Can't create ActiveX Object'? If it is then make sure the dll/ocx that the class resides in is properly registered on that machine. -Matt

Part and Inventory Search
