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Search results for query: *

  1. JulieM

    Problem with .length in Netscape.

    Thanks for the answer MrGreed have tried this already and have tried again but it doesn't work. The Netscape browser I am using is Version 7.1. Anymore suggestions. Julie
  2. JulieM

    Problem with .length in Netscape.

    The function below works fine in IE but in Netscape the variable num is set to 'undefined'. Can anyone help I cannot find the answer as to what I need to do for Netscape. Julie. function showcheckboxvalue(oControl) { var num = oControl.length; for (var i=0; i<num; i++) if...
  3. JulieM

    Crystal Reports 8 Page Server

    I am getting problems with the Crystal Reports 8 Page Server. On a regular basis I am finding that the page server is hanging and the server has to be re-booted. Has anyone else experienced this problem. Does anyone have any suggestions.
  4. JulieM

    Orphan Pages

    Is there any way to find out which files in large directory structure are no longer part of the site. I am using Studio V4.5.2 ie. No longer referenced anywhere. We are trying to do this in order to clean up a large site and remove any unused files. Julie
  5. JulieM

    Browser's Back Button

    Does anyone know how I can stop someone using the back button. Or if they do how I can stop them seeing what was previously displayed.
  6. JulieM

    Client Variables

    I am using client variables on the application I am developing. When I go to my application everything is fine I only have one entry in the client variable stoirage db. When my colleague goes to the app a new entry is created each time in the client variable storage db with a new cfid. Has...
  7. JulieM


    I have a colleague using CFGRID to edit data. The submit button fires the action page with reads the number of changes in the CFGRID array using the following code. <cfset count=#arraylen(form.grdrates.rowstatus.action)#> He is getting the following error message. 'Error resolving parameter'...
  8. JulieM

    Problem with JAVA Plug-In Certificate

    I am using the JAVA(TM) Plug-in 1.3.0_01. On Monday (17th)morning a security warning telling me that the Certificate Expired on Sun Dec 16 23:59:59. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem as every time I run a Tree/Grid control etc. this warning is displayed.
  9. JulieM

    CFTREE and custom images

    Has anyone had a problem with CFTree and custom images. Mine were working ok on Server 4.5 but since our upgrade to server 5, the custom images have disappeared and I have no idea why. This is happening for both CFTREE and the custom tag CFX_MAKE_TREE which is available from allaire.
  10. JulieM

    CFREPORT tag Error

    When using the CFREPORT tag I'm getting the following error. Report not completed(the report server was busy) The requested report could not be completed because the server was extremely busy serving other report requests. Please notify the site administrator that the default TIMEOUT for the...
  11. JulieM


    Can anyone help. Have just installed CF5 Server. All ok except for CFGRAPH. Has anyone had any problems with it. The help is not very helpful. The graphing server is running ok but I'm not sure if I need to set anything anywhere.
  12. JulieM

    ColdFusion &amp; NT Logins

    I would like to be able to find out a what NT Login is logged in when I open a intial screen on my application. I would then like this to checked against a table in my database to validate whether the user is allowed entry or not. If so the default screen will appear if not a different screen...
  13. JulieM

    Help needed to view example apps.

    Does this mean I need to view the examples on the server itself? I'm still very confused.
  14. JulieM

    Help needed to view example apps.

    Yes to all. I just can't view the example apps.
  15. JulieM

    Help needed to view example apps.

    When I try to open the Example Applications I get the &quot;Oops. Sorry for the error...&quot; page. I know the apps have been loaded and I also know the error is in trying to find localhost but no one here knows how to get it to find them on our server. Does anyone know if I can alter the...
  16. JulieM

    New user needs help with &lt;CFREPORT&gt;

    I've just created my first report in Crystal Reports. I now need to display that on my ColdFusion page. The report is very simple at the moment and just displays the content of one of my tables. I have tried using <CFREPORT> I have even used the undocumented ' type=&quot;microsoft&quot; ' to...
  17. JulieM

    Expanding Hierarchies

    I've been looking at the Expanding Hierarchies example in SQL Books online, this is the sort of result I'm looking for although I have no idea how to use the results. I am new to SQL Server and have not attempted anything like this before. Ultimately I would like to be able to the data to...
  18. JulieM

    CF &amp; SQL Stored Procedures

    I would like to know how to work with SQL Server Stored Procedures. I've been following the example in SQL Server Books online (Example Hierarchies) and would like to be able to use the results in Cold Fusion. I'm new to both SQL Server and Cold Fusion and confused as the help is not very...
  19. JulieM

    CF Pages - Do they exist?

    Can anyone help. We would like to check to see if a CF page exists on our CF Server. We know where it should be and what is should be called. Is there an easy way to find this out? Thanks, 2 very new and confused CF Developers
  20. JulieM

    Site View Tab

    Has anyone managed to print the contents of the Site View (not print screen) or ouputed the contents to Word etc for the contents of a CF page. Or has anyone written anything to trap this information for output to CF Page or Word etc.

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