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Search results for query: *

  1. RandDUser

    Using IIF and LIKE in the same query criteria

    In a form, I have an unbound textbox (TEXT1) with an option button next to it (OPTION1). In a query, I have the field, LAST NAME. The criteria for LAST NAME is linked to TEXT1 in the form: [Forms]![frm_MAIN]![TEXT1] But, if the person highlights the option button, I want the criteria to...
  2. RandDUser

    How to go to a record that starts with a certain letter

    I'll give that a shot, thanks PHV!
  3. RandDUser

    How to go to a record that starts with a certain letter

    I have a query that has about 500 names in it. The query is sorted in ascending order based off of last name. I have a form based off of that query. The form is a continuous form. In the form header, I have 26 labels for each letter of the alphabet, so that if I click on 'F', I want it to...
  4. RandDUser

    DMAX function where clause

    That did the trick, thanks!
  5. RandDUser

    DMAX function where clause

    OK, I tried the above: DMax("[Year]", "tbl_MAIN", "Quantity = " & me.textbox1.Value) And I got a runtime error 2001. Not sure if I have the syntax right.
  6. RandDUser

    DMAX function where clause

    I have a DMAX function where I need 'XX' = me.textbox1.value: DMax("[Year]", "tbl_MAIN", "XX") I tried: DMax("[Year]", "tbl_MAIN", me.textbox1.value), but produces a run time error. I'm sure it's something simple, but I can't figure it out. Thank you!
  7. RandDUser

    Add Time Stamp to Every Record

    The On Dirty property wouldnt work for me, but the Update Query worked perfectly. Thanks guys!
  8. RandDUser

    Add Time Stamp to Every Record

    The records have already been created. I need to time stamp existing records. Let's say I have 10,000 records, and the DATE field is blank for every record. Then the query is run to pull back 300 records. Those 300 records need to have the 'time stamp' (Date Stamp in this case).
  9. RandDUser

    Add Time Stamp to Every Record

    I have a form that has a date field in it. All the date fields are blank, and I want to time stamp them. I have the following code through a command button: Me.TEXTBOX_DATE.Value = Date However, this only inserts the time for the first record and not all of them. My guess is it needs a...
  10. RandDUser

    Excel: Have a cell value equal a filter selection

    Sometimes it's too simple...but that's a good thing. Thank you Glenn.
  11. RandDUser

    Excel: Have a cell value equal a filter selection

    Column A = employees last name Column B = a dollar amount The range A1:B11 is populated by employees and dollar amounts like so - Employee $$$ -------- ----- Smith 100 Johnson 200 Allen 2500 Smith 100 Smith 1000 Johnson 950 Allen 700 Allen...
  12. RandDUser

    Excel VB Sort Macro

    Well I have columns on opposite sides that are populated, but do not need sorted, and I have 3 rows that are totals at the bottom that have to be excluded, so with that, I used: r = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 3 And that worked perfectly. Thank you both!
  13. RandDUser

    Excel VB Sort Macro

    I have the following macro that will sort range C3:H298 by column D - Range("c3:h298").Select Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("D:D"),Order1:=xlDescending, header:=xlNo, _OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom However, if someone adds a row, I don't want to change the...
  14. RandDUser


    That was easy, thank you!
  15. RandDUser


    I have the following DCount statement in my VBA: DCount("[Quantity]", "tbl_Main") This obviously counts all of [Quantity], but I want to be able to count the quantity of only records where FieldX in the same table equals 'Team'. I can't figure out how to add in the WHERE statement in my...
  16. RandDUser

    Configure a SATA HD as a slave

    Nevermind. Since the neither HD came with the Data Lifeguard, I downloaded it and got it to work.
  17. RandDUser

    Configure a SATA HD as a slave

    I bought a new PC that had 1 SATA drive installed. I bought a second one to install myself. The two HDs are identical (WD 250 GB SATA-II). The drive that came with the PC has no jumper pins, and the second one came with no jumper pins, so my understanding is that SATA does not need jumper...
  18. RandDUser

    Searching for files with no extension

    I am trying to do a text search on files at work with no extensions. I am trying to find for example the text "5556666" in a flat ascii file with no extension. Windows search doesnt find it usually, but if I throw on a .txt extension, it does. My question is how can I search for text in files...
  19. RandDUser

    Pulling a random number using a query

    I have a table with 1 Field. That field is made up of a bunch of 10 digit numbers. There are a ton of numbers that begin with the same 7 digits. I want pull back a random number for each unique first 7 digits. Example: Field 1 -------- 1234567000 1234567111 1234567222 1234567NNN 7654321000...
  20. RandDUser

    Excel: HYPERLINK function question

    the "#B7" worked great, thank you!!

Part and Inventory Search
