I am currently working on creating some personalized cursive lettering for a webpage and I am using Illustrator's pen tool to do the writing. When I get a point on a letter that doesn't look quite smooth enough, I use the smudge tool to move the points together very minutely to fix the problem...
I figured it out. I case anyone has the same problem, make sure that when you desect and reselct a control point with the pen tool...make sure that there is a line next to the pen icon on your image before placing the new point. If not, it will not be a solid image and the fill will be all...
I did what the previous post said but to no avail. I tried placing the object un-filled into photoshop and fill it there, but there are areas around the image that are white...the same areas that get filled....any other suggs would be greatly 'preciated. Thanx
I have been working on Illustrator for almost a year now and up to just a few days ago I have not had any problems whatsoever with the fill function on the paintbucket. Now a few days ago, it seems that when I use the pen tool to make personalized letters for web pages, the fill function only...
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