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Search results for query: *

  1. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Populating 3 Fields at the same time via List Box

    ================== MS-Access 2002 sp3 ================== Hi everyone, I've got a brand-new table with 7 fields. Fields 1, 2, 3 need to get their information from another table linked via an ODBC connection. I would like to be able to use a List Box on Field 1 to select the proper row from...
  2. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Stumped...Why doesn't this work??

    HOLY CRAP! [surprise] You're right! Thanks LB! Wow... I feel really stupid, I think I'll go get a cup of coffee. [purpleface]
  3. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Stumped...Why doesn't this work??

    Crystal 8.5 Hi everyone, I've been banging my head against this formula but can't figure it out. It should be pretty simple as it basically tries to define variables based on the value of other variables that are already defined. Here's my formula code: numberVar dif; numberVar n1...
  4. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    BooleanVar Conundrum

    Hey thanks for the simplifying tip...I always like to get rid of clutter. As for the logic problem, you are right! My subreport does fire for rows that are getting suppressed by its own details X-2 formula. Since there are records after the one with the SPC requirement that do not have this...
  5. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    BooleanVar Conundrum

    Good day all, here's a weird little problem that I've just run across: I've got a subreport (in Main Report, Details B) that has a formula in its details section. It's the formula's job to determine if SPC charts need to be printed in the main report's Details H section. If they do, a shared...
  6. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Order of Evaluation Precedence

    Thanks, Ro & SV for your advice and helpful links. In the future, I will look in the crystalusergde.pdf before i post to this forum! best regards, CMoyia
  7. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Order of Evaluation Precedence

    Sorry, I forgot: Crystal 8.5. Progress database over ODBC connection. 7 tables in the main report + 32 tables in 18 subreports. Grouping is done at the client. "flow of evaluation" refers to: Record #1 - Evaluate RH, then PH, then GH1, then GH2, then ..., ... then RF, then PF (or...
  8. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Order of Evaluation Precedence

    Good day, all: This is probably an elementary question, but no less important to straighten out the flaws in my logic. I've got a report that uses the structure outlined below to display 21 records. What is the exact flow of evaluation in the report for each record...
  9. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Can we HIDE a page footer?

    My thanks to everyone for all their helpful suggestions. Even those that didn't work, they helped me to "think around the corner". I finally solved the problem of reclaiming the space by using a Group Footer instead of a page footer (thanks Naith) and a few fancy bits of suppression. Cheers...
  10. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Can we HIDE a page footer?

    hmm, group footers? I hadn't thought of that! Thanks, Naith, I'll give it a shot. Er, the checkbox thingy didn't do anything, so it looks like IdoMillet is correct. But thanks anyway for the suggestions! [cheers] -Geo
  11. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Can we HIDE a page footer?

    Naith, thanks for your response. I think i've seen that check box, but haven't known what it's for. I'll give it a try, thanks!
  12. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Can we HIDE a page footer?

    Let me give you some particulars about my problem... I have an image database containing jpegs that I want to print on a special details section of my report (for more details on the report structure, see thread767-1055582). I would like to use as much of the 8.5 x 11 in layout as I can...
  13. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Can we HIDE a page footer?

    Thanks for your reply kskid, But can I do this conditionally in a formula?
  14. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Can we HIDE a page footer?

    Greetings everyone: Is it possible to conditionally hide a page header/footer? I have successfully suppressed my footer (ref. thread767-1055582), but cannot reclaim the space (1.125 in.) at the bottom of the page that was allocated for it. I am using Crystal 8.5. Thanks in advance for...
  15. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Conditional suppression of page footer

    Oh by the way..... Johnny Damon is the shaggy CF for the Boston Red Sox. He's also doing commericials for Dunkin Donuts & Puma...and they are on ALL the time. Arrgh! [banghead]
  16. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Conditional suppression of page footer

    Ah-HA! A formula in Details A did the trick! ========================================================= Details a, formula @Da - PFSuppress: ------------------------------------ WhilePrintingRecords; Global booleanVar PFSuppress := False...
  17. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Conditional suppression of page footer

    K- Thanks for your response. I gave it a try and these are my results: My report has 21 records under Group #3, 21 Operations if you will, (numbered 10 to 210). At Operation 120, the planner wishes to print a related scanned document, and so checks the CheckBox01 (setting the field...
  18. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Conditional suppression of page footer

    Feliz Cinco de Mayo, Everybody! - I'm using CR 8.5 to generate a "Job Traveler" report that circulates around our shop with each part we make. Every part has a unique job number ({JobHead.Jobnum}), assembly number ({Jobasmbl.AsmSeq}), and BOM sequence ({Jobasmbl.BOMSEQ}) which directs the...
  19. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Capturning Field Values

    hmmm, TEM3, maybe you could use a Cross-Tab thingy to arrange your records with your item numbers horizontally?
  20. CoffeeManOhYesIAm

    Business Objects 5.1.6 IF Statement Help

    This is kinda clunky, but it might just work: If (<Account Bill-to State><>"PR") Then If (<Account Bill-to State><>"VI") Then <Account Bill-to Country Name> Else "VIRGIN ISLANDS" Else "PUERTO RICO" Good Luck! [pipe]

Part and Inventory Search
