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Search results for query: *

  1. ksutphin

    Stored Procedure across Multiple SQL servers

    I have many situations where I have to write stored procedures across multilple servers because our shipping systems is on a different server than our accounting server. For Example Select * From accserver.db1.dbo.Table1 t1 join shpserver.db2.dbo.Table2 t2 on t1.Order = t2.Order This...
  2. ksutphin

    insert into database keeps inserting when refreshing...

    I'm not sure if this would work for you, but I know I've written some pages that my company uses to insert credit memo data into sql tables. In my case I have a key field, which is the credit memo number and before I do any inserts I to a query to check and make sure the number isn't already in...
  3. ksutphin

    Executing a batchfile with cold fusion

    I used Javascript because cfexecute wasn't available in CF 4.0 that I know of. Can some one tell me if the syntax on this code is correct? <cfexecute name="\\server1\share\MyExecutable.exe"</cfexecute> I think it is and if that's true then it leads me to think it's a server setting, because...
  4. ksutphin

    Executing a batchfile with cold fusion

    Well that's is a good question. We're using Microsoft Great Plains and users will get 'locked' up in the system. Instead of our help desk getting 4 or 5 calls a day to go into Great Plains to delete the users from the user activity table, I wrote a web page for the users to use to delete their...
  5. ksutphin

    Executing a batchfile with cold fusion

    I had the following code running on an old ColdFusion 4.0 server. The code calls a batch file that goes out to our domain, loops through all of our terminal servers, and resets certain application sessions for the user that is running the cfm page. <script language="JavaScript">...
  6. ksutphin

    Seperate records based on time

    This query should bucket all calls with one query. Then just loop through the query results. <cfquery name="qryCallsbyShift" datasource="mydatsource"> Select 'Morning Calls' as CallTime, Count(Calls) as CallCnt from CallLog Where Convert(varchar,CallTimeDateTime,108) between '08:01:00' and...
  7. ksutphin

    Insert value from mulptiple checkboxes

    Thanks for correcting me. That's what I get trying to write that at 1:00 am. Sorry folks. Kenneth
  8. ksutphin

    Insert value from mulptiple checkboxes

    This is assuming you're populating your table of 100 names from a query and that you're just setting a yes/ flag on the insert. If so it should work someting like this. <table cols=3> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>Leading</td> <td>Assigned</td> <tr> <cfoutput query="qry1"> 'Set a...
  9. ksutphin

    format a textarea filled in by CF var

    Try using the ASCII value for a carriage return or line feed, <cfset output_text = "Price " & #price# & "#CHR(13)#Shipping " & #shipping#> 13 is a carriage return 10 is a line feed. Kenneth
  10. ksutphin

    Using cfif with cfinput

    What about something like this? <cfif CName EQ "H"> <cfinput type="radio" name="Content" value="H" label="XXX" required="yes" message="Please select" checked> <cfinput type="radio" name="Content" value="P" label="YYY" required="yes" message="Please select"> <cfinput...
  11. ksutphin

    Great Plains PO Pricing

    I'm wondering if it's possible to use a SQL script to update the unit price on a purchase order. I know I could write the script to update the POP10100 table, but does any one if there are other tables that would have to be updated as well? Is this even a possibilty or would I be making a...

Part and Inventory Search
