I never worked using this way, but what you could do also is to define a variable for each of your form inputs and run the query inside the code, as a string where the two parameters are the variable.
Now, I had already that kind of message, when something was wrong in the resulting query: a...
I have a Main report in an Excel sheet with several pivot tables and pivot chart where common dimensions are available.
To prepare a summary of some combinations of Product and Markets, I need a macro that will select options in the different pivot charts, makes a copy in a blank sheet and...
well to make a long story short, that is the way I was working until now. But for technical reasons it won't be possible in the future (due to change in the way IBM handles the ODBC link + question of privilieges I have on DB2).
So I really need to feed a table with the recordset...
I've been working with a vba code to access dat from DB2 into Excel, but I need no to adapt this code to write data in an Access table.
Public Function GetData() As ADODB.Recordset
StrQuery = "SELECT * "
StrQuery = StrQuery & "from Table "
StrQuery = StrQuery & " with UR ;"
Set GetData =...
Hi digiman1134,
with the OLEDB syntax that you are using, I think you need to replace UID and PWD by a the full name as shown below
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=server;User Id=xxx;Password=yyy;"
The site http://www.connectionstrings.com can help you.
Also you could use a recordset object...
HI Tsuji,
thanks for this[thumbsup2]. I'll give a trial. But I agree with you: surfing around on the internet, I've found quite a lot of different reasons for this error code...[sad]
I'll let you know.
sorry, you seems to have more technical skills than myself.
The fact is that I can't install whatever I want, as we are working in a Citrix environment (Windows 2000 advanced servers, Citrix XP metaframe).
The application has worked properly with the old, not supported, connectionstring...
Thanks for your proposal Tsuji,
It is not working for the moment unfortunately, but apparently because of the wscript.sleep command. The error message is 424 Object required. Do I have to define this object in the beginning of the script ? How ?
I am working on a tool to share data in my department.
The tool is working fine for me and some colleagues, but for others it is not working. The error code is -2147467259, and the description mentions that the file is already opened exclusively by another user (which is not the case).
I am working on a tool to hare data in my department.
The tool is working fine for me and some colleagues, but for others it is not working. The error code is -2147467259, and the description mentions that the file is already opened exclusively by another user (which is not the case).
I am facing a similar problem. I don't use an mde but let end-users run queries in a vbscript client-sde interface (only IE is used in the company).
The problem is that they only have a read access on the folder where the db are stored, and they can't access the data as the ldb cannot be...
Sorry for the typo mistake(data give me 12 month of history) and for not being very clear.
To give you a bit of context, I use VBA to read data on DB2 and automatically generate some Access tables each month that will be used in VB script queries on an intranet.
These final table should be as...
I've a table listing data for different clients over the last two months
client year month Prod depot act instr
abc 2004 Dec BLUB 120 13 5
abc 2004 Dec TOC 110 10 4
abc 2005 Jan TOC 125 10 4
xyz 2004 Nov TOC 15 2 1
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