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Search results for query: *

  1. SJMcAbney

    SQL Expressions for Date Range

    I've been using Crystal Reports for a while now and some of my reports, as far as I have been able, have been reduced to run as fast as possible. They are, sometimes, still too slow. I have since heard that SQL Expressions can reduce the time a report takes to run. With that in mind I would...
  2. SJMcAbney

    Convert String To Formula Reference

    jibberski, I don't see how that has any bearing on my question. Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  3. SJMcAbney

    Convert String To Formula Reference

    Sorry, there's already a solution in place but I know the loop is the optimal solution. If I can't convert something to a field (i.e. VBA .Fields("Text" & i) then that's fine, I'll just put the formulae into an array and use the counter to reference the elements. I was just wondering if it was...
  4. SJMcAbney

    Convert String To Formula Reference

    I'm wanting to create a loop in crystal that moves through 12 formulas, numbered 1 to 12. Is there any way that I can create a string in the loop and have it reference as a formula? This is what I have: numberVar Total := 0; numberVar Counter := 0; For Counter := 1 To 12 Step 1 Do ( If...
  5. SJMcAbney

    Use VBA to Read XML From External File

    An ADODB.Recordset, I forgot to say. Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  6. SJMcAbney

    Use VBA to Read XML From External File

    I'm wanting to read XML into a recordset with MS Access but, after a good time searching on MS KBase, here, other forums, and the web, I've been unable to find anything. Can anyone provide an example - or a link to one - of making this possible? Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  7. SJMcAbney

    Minimum if meets criteria

    Thanks. Will try that. Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  8. SJMcAbney

    Minimum if meets criteria

    I would like to calculate the minimum value in a group but only if a certain field in that group has a value. i.e. Group, InvoiceDate, Earned 001, 1st Jan 2005, £0 001, 1st Mar 2005, £0 001, 1st May 2005, £0 001, 1st Jun 2005, £45.32 001, 1st Jul 2005, £0 002, 1st Jan 2005, £0 002, 1st Feb...
  9. SJMcAbney

    Automatic deleting of the data from a table

    Only when you open MS Access. You didn't say anything about ASP in your initial post - how was anyone to know? Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  10. SJMcAbney

    search on dates

    As a precaution, and caution is an important word, it's best to play safe and format the date to that American format. No idea what Americans do though. Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  11. SJMcAbney

    Command Button to both Open and Close

    For the DoCmd.Close, I'd be even more specific about the object you are closing DoCmd.Close acForm, "Form name" You never now, two open objects may have the same name. Especially if you've used the awful MS wozards included with the product. Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  12. SJMcAbney

    search on dates

    INSERT INTO tblHighRpt (TotSeen, WkEnd) SELECT Count(tVisits.ClientID) AS TotSeen, #" & Format(dtWkEnd, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# " "FROM tVisits " & _ "WHERE (tVisits.Date) Between #" & Format(Me.txtFrom, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# And #" & Format(Me.txtTo, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#));" I've formaatted the dates...
  13. SJMcAbney

    Help with search PLEASE! Due tomorrow

    Due tomorrow? Why leave it so late? Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  14. SJMcAbney

    Automatic deleting of the data from a table

    Create a delete query with the criteria you need. Create a macro called autoexec that turns off warnings, runs the query, turns warnings back on, and closes the database. Use Windows to schedule task for weekly automation. Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  15. SJMcAbney

    Problem updating simple form

    What is the query you have set as the RecordSource of the subform? Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  16. SJMcAbney

    Customising the search record tool

    i could be wrong on this" You most certainly are. You can also use the form's Filter property. i.e. Me.Filter = "[DefaultField] = """ & Me.txtMyTextBox & """" Me.FilterOn = True Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  17. SJMcAbney

    Customising the search record tool

    Sorry, pressed Submit too early... SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE DefaultField Like "*" & [Forms]![MySearchForm]![MySearchTextbox] & "*"; Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  18. SJMcAbney

    Customising the search record tool

    To search any part of the field use wildcards. i.e. SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE DefaultField Like "*" & [Forms]![MySearchForm]![MySearchTextbox]; Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  19. SJMcAbney

    combine "item" and "quantity" to one column to print labels

    Er, look above. ;) Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
  20. SJMcAbney

    combine "item" and "quantity" to one column to print labels

    Slight amendment to the previous answer: With DoCmd .SetWarnings False .RunSQL "DELETE * FROM order_items;" .SetWarnings True .OpenQuery "orders_query_prompt" .OpenReport "label" End With Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History

Part and Inventory Search
