OK...so I purchased a new Hitachi SATA drive (250 gb)...my Dell XPS runs Windows XP Pro SP2.
Installed it.
Upon first boot-up, a blue screen & white font runs through a diagnostic of some sort, saying that "the volume is dirty" and that the drive is formated "FAT32".
Everything else during...
Oh gosh....boy, I am not a brave soul when it comes to computers.
This Dell XPS is brand new, and came with XP SP2 resident. I tremble at the thought of me going in there and uninstalling SP2...I even tremble at the thought of me going in there to LOOK! I've been a "consumer" of PC's since...
Thanks for your notes....but...
The LaCie support "driver" page has these notes, which to me indicate that they do NOT support SP2. This is a direct, copied statement:
"For the most reliable update, please use a computer that has a Firewire 400 interface, and one that has NOT been updated to...
Well...I've gone and bought a new computer (Dell XPS) that's running Windows XP with Service Pack 2.
KABOOM! My two LaCie 500gb (branded as "Big Disk") do NOT work with SP2. And LaCie ADMITS it on their web site....
Installed....did everything right, including trying to update drivers from...
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