Try After much searching and tinkering I have managed to locate someoneon the net who had described almost all simialr symptoms, caused by a varietry of things ranging from spyware to corrupted reg entries etc, in most cases it is a messed up host file and may be fixed by using WinsockXPFix.exe...
After much searching and tinkering I have managed to locate someoneon the net who had described almost all simialr symptoms, caused by a varietry of things ranging from spyware to corrupted reg entries etc, in most cases it is a messed up host file and may be fixed by using WinsockXPFix.exe...
I have three XP computers linked though a Belkin Wireless router, all using XP. Recovering from a serious bout of the new VX2 spyware variant I am unable to access the internet or ping any external computer. I can ping my router/modem and each computer on the network but cannot access the...
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