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Search results for query: *

  1. buzznick

    Forwarding Email using Perl

    Don't worry.... I figured it out. Just needed to include *every* original header line when resending. Nick
  2. buzznick

    Forwarding Email using Perl

    Hi all, I have a small Perl script which uses Mail::POP3Client to periodically check an email account. It works great except for forwarding. Basically I want it to forward certain messages to a different address if found. Right now, it does this OK except for the fact that it loses the original...
  3. buzznick

    InternetReadFile() and 'POST' vs 'GET'

    Hi all, I'm using InternetReadFile() to successfully send form data via the 'GET' method to a url, eg: http://example.com/myscript.php?a=something&b=somethingelse And it works great... that is, except when the url length exceeds 2048 characters! Ideally, I need to be able to send such...
  4. buzznick


    I think it's the SetSecurityInfo() API but I'm not sure how to use it. :-(
  5. buzznick


    Hi, does anyone know how I can stop another process from using ReadProcessMemory() to read into my program? Thanks
  6. buzznick

    List View Control in Applet

    Thanks Tim!
  7. buzznick

    List View Control in Applet

    Hi all, I'm totally new to Java (coming from C/C++) - so please excuse this if it's a stupid question. :-S Basically, I want to create a java applet that displays a list control much like the common Windows list control with columns, etc. I'd like to do this directly in the applet itself...
  8. buzznick

    URL access from PHP

    Hi all, What is the best way to have a PHP script access another URL on a remote server. For example, let's say I have a PHP script on my server but I want to get the text returned by "http://someotherserver.com/somescript.php" Thanks, Nick
  9. buzznick

    MySQL and Apache efficiency

    Thanks guys, I'm not sure about all the technical answers there so I'll my partner who handles all that.
  10. buzznick

    MySQL and Apache efficiency

    Hi all, Having some troubles with MySQL and efficiency using Apache. Here's the set up: We have about 12 MySQL DB's running on a Linux server. We have approx 100 users accessing the DB via PHP scripts. However, the server load is way up to like 20-30 and everything is running at a crawl. We...
  11. buzznick

    User's country from IP address

    Excellent! Thanks!!!!
  12. buzznick

    User's country from IP address

    Hi, does anyone know any easy way for me to check a users country (via IP address) in a script? For example, if I detect the user's IP address is I then need to determine if that user is in China or Australia. Thanks!
  13. buzznick

    User's IP address and location

    Hi, does anyone know any easy way for me to check a users country (via IP address) in a CGI script? For example, if I detect the user's IP address is I then need to determine if that user is in China or Australia. Thanks!
  14. buzznick

    linking option in VC6++

    Well there is the "Additional library path" field under "Input" category but I've never used it. The other option is to just make copies of the libs and stick them in your project directory - they're going to be getting statically linked in anyway and it may be best to keep externals under one...
  15. buzznick

    Overlaying an image on a bitmap in a dialog

    yes, drawing a bitmap image direct to the device context is really easy - here's a function that you can use: void DrawBitmap(HDC pDC,int x,int y,HBITMAP bmpBG) { auto HBITMAP oldBmp=(HBITMAP)::GetCurrentObject(pDC,OBJ_BITMAP); auto BITMAP bm...
  16. buzznick

    Overlaying an image on a bitmap in a dialog

    why don't you just draw the bitmaps to the dialog's HDC in the OnPaint() function instead of making the first bitmap an actual control? If you need to handle clicks or something in the first bitmap, you can still do it by overriding the OnLButtonDown() etc. and examining if PtInRect() and so on.
  17. buzznick

    linking option in VC6++

    you specify the path to each library using absolute paths - therefore you would type into the links field: C:\library\examplelibrary.lib
  18. buzznick

    using enumwindows in MFC

    // define your function BOOL CALLBACK MyEnumFunction(HWND wnd,LPARAM lParam) { auto char buf[1024]=""; // examine this HWND - see if it's the one we want! ::GetWindowText(wnd,buf,1023); if (strstr(buf,"My Program's Main Window")) { // we found our window on...
  19. buzznick

    Adding child windows to a window in another module

    Ah, not to worry. I got it sorted out. I was getting the handle to wrong window!! :-S
  20. buzznick

    Adding child windows to a window in another module

    Hi, I have an interesting problem. I want to be able to add [at will] child windows to another window from another running executable. So, let's say there is a program ("program A") running on the PC which displays a main window ("window A"). My program ("program B") wants to create a child...

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