lotarious, THANK YOU - it was, as I had hoped, something obvious! The database was updating, but the results were in the debug-folder's database. Enjoy your star!
Chuck Kowalewski
"Forget world peace. Visualize using your turn signal.
I am unable to INSERT INTO an Access database.
The following two example BOTH result in a "1" rows updated,
but when I look into the database using Access, the data
does not appear to have been added.
Here are the two code snippets. All data comes from a form
with no databindings. All the...
I get this all the time in AVG. Did you not get an "Ask" response for the device? Usually AVG will confirm that you want the calling software to access the IP.
Did you add the network IP address to your "Remote Networks"? You need to add this or the Inet NIC will be considered "foreign" and...
Actually, yes... and no.
In testing at work, the user does have Version 10 Office.
However, at home I have version 11.
Regardless of version, late binding worked in both locations. THANKS! (Kicking myself for not thinking of that on my own.)
Chuck Kowalewski
"Forget world...
I'm just a simple programmer, but I thought that the order of the references mattered...
If DAO is ticked above ADO, and one references the same property without clarification, then the property is assumed to be a child of the first reference.
If JoeAtWork moved his ADO reference above the DAO...
As a query, sure - just run an update query using the same function. The only way to do this during table design would be to use the display format ">A<aaaaaaa" but that is cubersome, rigid and does not change the data.
FIRST, backup your table (copy-paste)
In a query:
1. Create a query
When using the common function of
Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
from Access, I get the error:
[Number] = -2147024770
[Description] = "Automation error
The specified module...
Not sure I completely understand your question:
Make sure you have the "Full Module View" button chosen. There are two very small buttons at the bottom of where the vertical bar should be; click the right one.
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