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Search results for query: *

  • Users: TEM3
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  1. TEM3

    Select of Not

    I was trying to be too fancy. The below seems to do the job..... if uppercase({?Desired}) <> "ALL" then (uppercase({CHEMINV.Instrument Serial Number}) = uppercase({?Desired}) and {CHEMINV.Asset Class} = "F") else ({CHEMINV.Asset Class} = "F") Thanks.
  2. TEM3

    Select of Not

    That should be "Select OR Not".
  3. TEM3

    Select of Not

    Using CR 8.5 and Oracle 9i tables: I thought this would be easy, and it probably is. I just can't come up with the solution. I created a parameter that I want the user to enter either "ALL" or a gun serial number. If they enter anything else but "ALL" they get the weapon with the matching...
  4. TEM3

    Including Zero's

    Thank you once again. I have purchased CR 11, but am so use to 8.5 I have not taken (or really had) the time to learn the newer user interface. Guess I should.......
  5. TEM3

    Including Zero's

    Here is the selection formula: {LABITEM.Item Type} in ["PH05", "PH06", "V001"] and {CUSTLOC.Location} like ["ED2?", "ED1?", "ED0?", "ESTS", "MP01", "MR01", "MVR?", "NESTS", "SESTS", "VD??"] and {LABSTAT.Status Date} in DateTime (2008, 03, 01, 00, 00, 00) to DateTime (2008, 03, 31, 00, 00, 00)...
  6. TEM3

    Including Zero's

    Revisiting this issue (and avoiding SQL)....... OK I am trying to measure activity in certain custody locations. The table CUSTLOC has all the possible locations. I have selected the locations (CUSTLOC.Location) of interest. CUSTLOC is my left most table and everything else is "Left Outer...
  7. TEM3

    Including Zero's

    Cool. I will try it. But let me see if you think this example is what you mean...... One report tracks monthly activities related to Motor Vehicle Tapes (MVR's). The tapes occupy various custody locations during the month and these locations are used to track what was going on with the tape...
  8. TEM3

    Including Zero's

    I am working with Crystal Reports 8.5 and Oracle 9i tables. I have run into this issue often and have not figured out a report "game plan" for dealing with it. The problem is with time-period reports that count actions or activities. As long as something happened during the period, there is...
  9. TEM3

    Conversion to a Date Format

    This formula seems to works..... if len(trim({ARRESULTASVARCHAR.RESULTASVARCHAR})) = 9 then ( if Mid({ARRESULTASVARCHAR.RESULTASVARCHAR},3 ,3) = "JAN" then ("01/" & Left({ARRESULTASVARCHAR.RESULTASVARCHAR},2) & "/" & Mid ({ARRESULTASVARCHAR.RESULTASVARCHAR},6 ,4)) else if...
  10. TEM3

    Conversion to a Date Format

    Using Crystal Reports 8.5 and Oracle 9i tables: I have a bunch of "dates" in a text table field that Crytal Reports is incapabible of converting with the todate function. They are all in the format of, for example, 26FEB2008. Any suggestions for a formula that would convert a intended date...
  11. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    I solved my workday calculation problem by running a report to count the days in a month that assignments were created and then pluggin the numbers into the following formula: shared numbervar nwd; if month({LABREPT.Date Completed}) = 1 then ( if year({LABREPT.Date Completed}) = 2006 then...
  12. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    Yes I am working on the new problem. I think if I can find and link an activity date that is done every work day (Date Completed will not work since in the smaller sections there are many days when no assignments are completed), I can use that to get a work day number. My conrtibution?? Well...
  13. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    I will try the new one, but, once I narrowed my groups (by laboratory and lab section) and initialized x to null between each group, it worked fine. Now my next challenge is to determine the number of working days in each month as defined by the count of dates where something was done. So on...
  14. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    I did your formulas as follows: whileprintingrecords; stringvar x; if instr(x,{LABREPT.Analyst Assigned}) = 0 then x := x + {LABREPT.Analyst Assigned} + ","; if instr(x,{LABREPT.Reviewed By}) = 0 then x := x + {LABREPT.Reviewed By}+","; if instr(x,{LABREPT.Approved By}) = 0 then x := x +...
  15. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    My programmer has gone home for the weekend and I don't know (much) SQL...... {LABREPT.Date Completed} is a datetime field. Do I need to modify the above formula?
  16. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    The following was suggested by one of our programmers (I have not had a chance to try it either): Here's some Oracle SQL that seems to fit what you want to do: select distinct "USER_ID" from ( select a."Analyst Assigned" "USER_ID" from labrept a where a."Date Completed" between...
  17. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    Thanks. I'll give it a shot.....
  18. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    What I would do in another "language" would be to create a temporatory table (array) of User ID's and populate it with the contents of the three fields from each appropriate record, but only if the User ID did not already exist. Then I would just count the populated members of the table/array...
  19. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    What do you mean? -LB I was replying to the concatenation suggestion......
  20. TEM3

    Distinct count on multiple fields

    Ibass, yes, sometimes the same person (User ID) can Review and Approve the same assignment, in which case the second two fields (Review and Approve) would have the same User ID.

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