The recordsource is in both (main and subform) the same query which include the primary key.
The primary key is not an autonumber it is a textfield that the user has too fill up.
I made a form and therin a subform. Based om a query. The subform is in datagrid-view.
No I want to add , update records in that view.
The propertys (allow edits, allow deletion, allow add) of the main form and subform are set to YES.
But I can't change or add a record.
What could be...
I put a textbox on my report and will filled in with VBA code as follows
Text4.text = "GGHGHGH"
How can I put more lines in a textbox.
I tried
Text4.text = "First Line" & "\n" "Second line"
But now luck.
The Control Source Property is empty.
I also changed te onopen procedure in the following
First try :
Me!Text2.Text = "Testing"
I receive on runtime :
You can't reference a property or pethiod for a control unless the control has focus.
second try :
Access 2000.
I made a report in acces and in the open event of the report I have an VBA-procedure.
My report has only 1 textnbox nl. Text2.
I tried in the VBA-procedure the following :
Me.Text2= "NAAM"
but i receive follwing error
You can't assign a value to this object (2448)
What do...
I tried in the VBA (just for testing, it is not the query output.
Me.Text2= "NAAM"
but i receive follwing error
You can't assign a value to this object (2448)
Thanks Inky.
So, now I created a report with several texboxes
I think when I open the report I ask for a personid.
So, I started a 'Event Procedure' on OnOpen
Here I have to excecute some queries like :
select id as id1, name from person where id = parameter.
And I will bind the name to...
I have no experience in VBA.
I have one table in Access 'Persons'. Each Person has two links to a person in the same table to the father and to the mother.
Now I have to make a print of the antecedents (4 grades) of a specified person in following way...
I have the same question. I never worked before with crystal reports and i am looking for an 'How To do' to create something like a mail merge.
Is there somebody how has that or a mink where I can find it.
Thanks for all of you that helped me to finished this problem.
I did the what cdlvj proposed and now we are about 30days later and everything is still works fine.
I have two .BAT files . I made a new ALL.BAT file that excecutes the 1.BAT and 2.BAT as follows :
echo "Start 1"
echo "Start2"
echo "End"
But he stops after executing 1.BAT.
1.BAT and 2.BAT contains only an echo.
What is wrong here,
I know it isn't a good practice. But the reason is that when I did
route change default
after a few days (and there was no shutdown) suddently the IPadres (when I look with netstat) was changed again to the previous one. Nobody did something.
cd /
find . -a name * -exec grep...
An little other question.
When previous Post works. That will say that when booting he has my new IP-adress.
But will that also says that when the Unix is up for days (normally we never shutdown), he don't change his IPadres.
Before I changed the IPadres always manually but after a 3 to 4 days...
if [ ! -r $ROUTEFILE ]
exit 0
that is the beginning of the file, so I can conclude that when he don't find the file routes he exit the script.
And this directory don't exits.
Maybe I can make that directory and the file...
Unix SCO Openserver release 5
The Unix don't use a dhcp-server.
routed is running
Thats all there is in that file.
<<The name of the file is S90iproute
<<and works off the file below.
I see that this file is a script
<<# cat...
I don't find in rc2.d the script where my previous college put the default gateway.
I did a grep for that adress in the rc2.d and no-luck.
Could it harm if I do a grep on the whole / directory.
It must be somewhere. It it must be after the execution of the S99route - script (because the...
in /etc/default/tcp
all empty
How do I know that this machine is a gateway and routed is not running? I am not an exprt in this things.
That didn't work.
I create a file S99route (in /etc/rc2.d) and put the command
route add default
in it
I shutdown and when I look with netstat -rn the default is changed to the old ipadress.
Then I saw a file S99addroute, so I put the command there in, but also no luck...
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