Thanks for the advice, I did as you suggest and removed two add ins. No effect. Just to be certain I restarted the PC, no effect.
While in the window I also checked the button 'Com add ins' there was nothing in the window, but opening it caused the two pop ups to reappear.
Thanks again for...
Had the same problem only yesterday. My solution was to close the open programs one at a time and check when the problem goes away. The last one to be closed before the system will close is the problem one. In my case it was a newly installed CD driver. Hope this helps.
I have done a clean re-install of Win XP and Office 2000. I successfully imported a saved file with Outlook settings, mail and address book, using the XP facility. All now works well, except that at start up the Outlook screen has two pop up screens (overlaid) labelled OUTLOOK with the message:-...
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