Well, that did it! I changed the page server and job server properties to run under a user account in the domain and now my reports are viewable. Thanks everybody!!
thanks for the response! The server does have the driver installed properly. There are no error messages, what happens is that the parameter entry page is displayed asking for a database logon and password. If the fields are left blank and the information is sent, the parameter page...
Greetings all!
I was wondering if anyone could give me any insight into a database logon issue from crystal enterprise. I'm running CE 8. The data source is a Progress database connected through ODBC. The reports are set to run under a blank userid/password through the ODBC connection and...
Doh! I was afraid it had to do with the evaluation time of the subreports. I initially tried to do direct-linking for my first attempt, but with the number of tables involved (8) it ended up being too restrictive. Because of this I created a query in the SQL Designer to link two of the tables...
I realize that it's been a while since the last response to this one, but if any Crystallite is really bored they can tackle this one :-)
I have a similar question about creating a bar chart based on formula fields:
I have a report (CR 8.5 using ODBC) that contains a subreport for each...
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