Why would you set the variables back to nothing after they have been asssigned values? and where did you assigned the aobj values? Don't quite understand the last part. Thanks in advance.
iedrs is a custom built dll which requires the following parameters:
Dim edrs
Set edrs = CreateObject("RoutingService.EDRSccw")
Function ExecuteFile(appName As String, appErrorText As String, appID As String, filesToRoute() As Variant, cameFrom As String) As Boolean
I am writing some vbscript and I am not sure how to deal with this issue. I need to pass a file to a function but it requires the file to be passed as an object in an array since there could be multiple files.
I am having a hard time figuring out how to add the file as an object to the array...
When a user completes the form, they are prompted with a msgbox whether they would like to start a new entry. Without using the reset button, I would like to use vbscript to reset the controls. I have tried to call the OnClick event but it was unsuccessful.
Thanks in advance.
I decided to go this route
Function 1
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
STRFILENAME = fso.GetAbsolutePathName("imgs")
End Function
Function 2
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
pathstring = STRFILENAME & "\maildates.txt"
Set ts =...
I have a webpage which will load on a number of servers, and each webpage must load a txt file within its root folder. Since the folder name will change from server to server, I need a way to find the current directory and then load the txt file from that location via vbscript.
Any Ideas...
I should give myself a star for this. I found javascript which works well with vbscript.
Once I embedded the script, I added the following in the INPUT section of the textbox onKeyUp="return autoTab(this, 3, event);" size="4" maxlength="3"...
I have a a VB solution, but I need to incorporate the same solution in VBScript. I have seen some sites where the cursor moves once you have entered the information.
Any Ideas?
I have a form which has three fields for date. Month (2 Char), Day (2 Char), and Year (4 Char). When a user enters the second character, I want the focus to change to the next texbox and so on. I am unable to use the OnChange.
Does anyone have any ideas how to approach this? I have exhausted...
When I run this vbscript on a webpage, it sends an email with the information gathered on the webpage. In the process, it renames the Inbox in Outlook. How did I do that?
Please help!
Dim ConstSubject
Dim ConstComment
Dim ConstCount
Dim ConstRecpCount
Dim WSHShell
Dim FileNames
I commented out the myItem.display, and the sendkeys, and added myItem.Send.
Here is the problem, I get that nasty message which says 'someone is using your email address'. I do not want the user to see this box either. I want it all to be transparent.
Thanks for the suggestion...
I have a File Field Textbox which allows a user to attach a file. Once they have attached the file, I would like to clear the File Field Textbox. I have tried, empty, null, and " ".
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
This is the code to add the file to the listbox
Sub cmdAddF_OnClick
Dim optOption
Dim lstIndex
Dim lstCount
Set optOption = document.createElement("OPTION")
lstIndex = document.FORM1.lstForms.selectedIndex
If document.FORM1.txtFile.value = "" then
lstCount =...
Hi Guys,
I have a listbox which contains up to 5 files which a user can attach to an email. I am having difficulty writing vbscript which will grab all the values in the listbox. Can someone please help? Thank you in advance.
I tried visible = false, and it indicates the object doesn't support this property.
I am using the sendkeys to send the email and prevent that nasty message.
Hello All,
I have created a webpage which uses the following VBScript and then prefills the email with the information and sends it. Why am I doing this? Our Fax Server requires users to use the correct switches and format, and since they are unable to do this, I created an interface thru a...
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