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Search results for query: *

  1. seekwall

    Distributed Transaction Error Message

    Hello guys, I am having a bit a challenge with some distributed transactions. This particular error is quite well documented on the Web, but nothing appears to help me with my particular issue. I am attempting to run the following bit of code within a trigger from Server A, to insert a row into...
  2. seekwall

    Failed executing API: CreateProcess. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029).

    Think I've solved it. I believe the Sqlmaint.exe neds to be in this directory on the server... C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn It is currently here... C:\sql2ksp3\x86\binn Not sure whether this means that the Service Pack hasn't been installed properly or not tho !?!
  3. seekwall

    Failed executing API: CreateProcess. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029).

    I am running SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition, Service Pack 3 on MS Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition. I set up a maintenance plan using the 'Create a Maintenance Plan' wizard to run scheduled database and log backups. The jobs fail however with the following error in the job history...
  4. seekwall

    Truncating at 256 bytes (SQL Server 2000)

    Found the answer to the problem. It is a known error... http://www.sqldts.com/default.aspx?297 Easy when you know how eh ?
  5. seekwall

    Truncating at 256 bytes (SQL Server 2000)

    Hello guys, I'm having a little problem... When exporting a table to a text file using DTS, the columns are getting truncated at 256 bytes. The 'Maximum characters per column' setting is set at 8000 bytes. I'm sure I've come across this before, but can't for the life of me remember the...
  6. seekwall

    Openrowset and a Visual Foxpro dbf

    Yeah... I realised that after the fact. Bring back Fox 2.6 is what I say Thanks anyway
  7. seekwall

    Openrowset and a Visual Foxpro dbf

    I am trying to run a simple selection of a Visual Foxpro Table, from SQL Server using the following:- select a.* from openrowset('MSDASQL', 'DRIVER={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver}; SourceDb = c:\<path>\; SourceType=DBF;', 'SELECT top 10 field1 FROM table ORDER BY 1 ') as a The .dbf in...
  8. seekwall

    xp_cmdshell problem

    I am using SQL Server 2000, and am trying to run the following command: execute master..xp_cmdshell 'dir g:\' The 'g' drive on the SQL Server points to a server at a co-location via a VPN. When I run the above commmand, I get the following error message: output...
  9. seekwall


    Thanks Bill. I stopped and restarted the service and it works fine now
  10. seekwall


    I am trying to attach a database to one server from another with this code... declare @prm_allocserver varchar(20) set @prm_allocserver = '<servername>' declare @prm_drive char(1) set @prm_drive = 'D' declare @sql varchar(1000) select 'Attaching <Databasename> to Allocated Server' set @sql =...
  11. seekwall

    Attaching Databases across networks

    Thought of that.... However, the target server is always going to change depending on where there is space each month (just to make things more tricky). The target server is currently passed down the SP as a parameter. Out of interest....how can I execute an SP on one server, from another ...
  12. seekwall

    Attaching Databases across networks

    Does anyone know how to attach a database TO another server? I am currently writing an SP that will (hopefully) detach, move and re-attach a database from one server to another. The last bit is causing me problems though. I can attach a database FROM another server by executing the following...
  13. seekwall

    Date formats connection properties

    Good afternoon, I believe I've found a solution to my own problem: As stated above, the connection properties will override any server settings. So each client will have it's own default options, regardless of what has been set on the server side In order to overcome this problem, the...
  14. seekwall

    Date formats connection properties

    Thanks RT, I realise that there are ways of getting round the problem from the outset - there are pleny of options, however my original question was how to change connection properties ? In particular - Date Formats. This issue nearly caused me to load a heck of a lot of bad data (lucky I was...
  15. seekwall

    Date formats connection properties

    Hi, Basically the problem lies when inserting date values (using a simple DTS). The Date Format on the SQL Server database has been set at MDY. The date field on the text file and excel file is in the 'dd/mm/yyyy' format. The column in the excel table is actually 'set' as 'dd/mm/yyyy' within...
  16. seekwall

    Date formats connection properties

    Appreciated, Still, I have no control of the input data as it comes from an external source. What do you need to know about my machine(client) that will make a difference ? Cheers
  17. seekwall

    Date formats connection properties

    I am having a few problems with importing date fields depending on whether the data is from a text file or an excel file ( with it's own column settings ). I have reasoned that the solution lies with the default date settings in SQl Server (2000). Using 'set dateformat', I set the format to...
  18. seekwall

    left outer joins

    Correlated Sub-queries are something I don't use very often to be honest. Thanks for the advice, I will read up more and do some execution plan comparisons or something. By the way, that query works very well indeed Thanks again Paul
  19. seekwall

    left outer joins

    Force of habit I suppose. I just like using ANSI joins
  20. seekwall

    left outer joins

    Cheers Terry, I wanted to try to keep away from sub queries. But I don't think I have much of an option really Paul

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